About the panic and actions of the authorities: what do our people living in China say about the coronavirus - ForumDaily
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About the panic and actions of the authorities: what our people living in China say about the coronavirus

What is the current situation with the 2019-nCoV coronavirus outbreak in China: are people in a panic, are they planning to evacuate? Journalists "Voices of America" talked with three Ukrainians living in the cities of Wuhan, Shanghai and Lanzhou.

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Monika Rustamova is a Kharkov resident who came to Wuhan on an exchange to learn Chinese.

“Everything is quiet on the streets, there are no people. This is mainly due to the holidays now - it's always like this on New Year's Day in China. The stores have everything except vegetables. And there is fruit.

Do people panic in Wuhan

Now there is no panic. All follow the news, go about their business.

I hold on, I'm not scared right now. I support my parents in every possible way, they too have calmed down now. I assure them that everything is fine. I think everything will end really well.

People in Ukraine panic more than those who are here now. Here on the spot they calmly react to the situation. All Ukrainians are now registered with the Ukrainian Embassy. That is, if there is any critical situation, in any case, I think they should be evacuated.

What does the Ukrainian consulate do

The Ukrainian Consulate called on everyone who now lives in China, in particular Wuhan, to send their data to the official mail, who is doing what. And we were registered. Now they are monitoring the situation and said that in any case they will keep in touch with us.

If forced evacuation begins, a bad situation develops, then I am ready to go. I want to continue to study, I have my own plans, my goals for another six months.

What are the Chinese authorities doing

Today, at the entrance to the store, our temperature was checked. In all such places they check. That is, we leave the campus - they take our temperature, and when we return, they take it for us too.

Every morning we report on our well-being. We go to let us measure the temperature, sometimes they come to us and check the temperature in the evening.

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They gave out masks, a large package per person, nuts, dried fruits, raisins - the university allocates them.

There is a girl who studies at another university - they provided three free meals a day. They receive food from the university.

We are going to the room, I watch TV shows, study, sleep, eat.

There was a flash mob among the Chinese. At one time, it seems, at 20:00, everyone opened the windows and shouted: “Wuhan, hold on!”

Maxim Tarapata is a resident of Kiev, has lived in Shanghai for 10 years

“The only thing that reminds us of the virus on the streets is that most people wear masks. And so, in general, the topic of the virus is No. 1 in all conversations and chats in China. The number of ambulances on the roads has visually increased. It is noteworthy that in recent days all ambulances have been driving without the sound of a siren (perhaps this is intentional, so as not to irritate the population).

There are products in stores, I haven’t seen any particular shortage. As for masks, there is a shortage, there are periodic queues at pharmacies, and there are restrictions on the quantity when purchasing. There are no special processes for mass purchasing of any products in stores. The only product in short supply so far is protective masks, for which there are now fines for inflating prices.

What are the Chinese authorities doing

Visually, the hospitals are quite calm, there are no large queues anywhere. There is a special website where you can track the latest information on China.

Most establishments are closed (again, primarily due to holidays). Transport is working. It is reported that transport (metro, buses) is cleaned and disinfected every day. Elevators in office buildings are treated. Various institutions (schools, universities, banks and other structures) all continue their days off.

The authorities urge people to move less, visit less crowded places, always wear masks as much as possible, and also inform about primary measures (how to wear masks, how to wash your hands often, and less intersect with people).

Every day messages are sent to the phone that in case of poor health (temperature), it is imperative to contact the nearest hospital. On the Internet and instant messengers publish lists of hospitals with addresses.

How does the Ukrainian government react

There is a connection with the Ukrainian consulate. It through the messenger made a newsletter calling for the possibility of leaving China. If there is a need to stay here, they are asked to report this by filling out a special form. The consulate provided emergency numbers.

What colleagues and friends say

The vast majority actively monitor the latest developments. There are cases of panic, anxiety, as well as a more sober and calm assessment of the situation. At first, a lot went away in connection with the holidays. But many who planned to stay, the current situation still pushed to leave. Relatives actively urge some people to do this, because in the foreign media the situation is extremely frightening.

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In general, the condition of everyone is a little alarming. We are all worried and hope that this will all end soon. The excitement is also related to how long all this can go on. Now they say that the peak will be passed within 10 days and the statistics of recovered people will increase sharply, because doctors will need to make sure that these patients are really healthy.

I don’t plan to leave China, only a work-related trip is likely.”

Dmitry Yatskovsky - originally from Kremenchug, has been studying at Lanzhou University for four years

“First of all, we receive information from the university administration. He sends us information on WeChat - we have a Chinese chat where we receive information and see advertisements. Any tips? Of course, stay calm. If you start to panic and take some drastic actions, this will lead to even more complex consequences. We are staying in the apartment. If we go out, it’s only for food and drinking water. We also disinfect the room, clean it, and wash our hands. Of course, we were given masks and chlorine so that we could clean the premises.

We have quarantine, but we cannot say that something is forbidden, we are simply advised. Say, don't leave the university. But I can calmly leave the territory of the university by providing documents and write where I am going.

Is there a connection with the Ukrainian consulate

I was interested, but so far I saw only the recommendations from the consulate that are the same ones that are recommended for protection against pneumonia: wear masks, do not contact with people, do not appear in public places, wash hands, ventilate the room. So far, I have not heard anything serious.

As the Chinese authorities inform

I understand that the situation is not fully described to ordinary people. And what she really is - I don’t know and can’t know. In any case, I will obey the people responsible for me. If they advise to evacuate, I will listen to them and evacuate from China for the duration of the quarantine.

There is trust in the local authorities, because during the years of my stay in China, everything that the Chinese authorities said came true. The same Wuhan hospital that was built in seven days. Compared to other countries, they do this in a short time. The Chinese are people who know how to direct all their forces to one point. And now they are aimed at coronavirus. Therefore, I have hope and confidence that everything is under control and they will do everything.

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I am not ready to say that someone is silent about the whole picture. Quite possibly. But even if they do, it is only for the sake of keeping people calm so as not to sow panic. In China, panic can be worse than coronavirus.

Is there a panic among students

Honestly, there is a great panic between foreign students. Unfortunately, they themselves cause this panic because they correspond in social networks and exchange false information. This panic makes it difficult to concentrate and make decisions.

Students will be punished for disseminating false information. Most likely under Chinese law.

I am afraid of everything that can interfere with my health, but I direct this fear into the right actions. I am thinking and planning escape routes that I can apply in this situation.”

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