Whether face masks protect others or those who wear them: a study
Studies of coronavirus and other infections show that wearing a mask prevents others from getting infected and the spread of disease among the population. Evidence suggests that masks provide some degree of protection to those who wear them. Writes about it Fox News.
The virus spreads by airborne droplets, people spray droplets when they cough, sneeze or talk. Surgical or cloth face masks can block the spread of most of these particles.
Although some droplets can penetrate, a face shield will still minimize the amount, which is beneficial anyway. According to Dr. Monica Gandhi, a viral expert at the University of California, San Francisco, research shows people do not get as badly sick when they are exposed to less virus.
Masks protect those who wear them, thereby reducing the amount of droplets from other people who come into contact with them.
On the subject: Masks or screens for the face: which protects against coronavirus more effectively
Gandhi noted that at two food processing plants in the United States that required masks and developed clusters of infection, most workers who developed COVID-19 had mild or asymptomatic illness.
Research on another coronavirus has also found low infection rates among people wearing masks in public.
Experts say masks are especially important in the new coronavirus because infected people can be contagious even if they have no symptoms.
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