Florida may ban discrimination against whites for the actions of their ancestors
Florida has approved a bill that prohibits discrimination against a person based on past actions of members of the same race, gender or nationality. Writes about it CNN.
It prohibits employers from providing training or instruction that "supports, promotes, indoctrinates, or leads people to believe that an individual is responsible or should be discriminated against or ill-treated because of past actions committed by others of the same race, sex, or national origin." ".
The Republican-controlled committee approved the bill, with six Republican senators supporting it and three Democratic senators opposed.
Although the bill titled "Individual Liberty" does not mention Critical Race Theory (CRT), the term is used in the attached analysis of the bill, which was given to Senators.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said such a law would prevent the teaching of critical racial theory in schools. In his opinion, it creates a "hostile environment."
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Under Florida Department of Education rules that went into effect last June, CRT cannot be taught in schools.
Critical race theory is a concept that seeks to understand and address the issue of inequality and racism in the US. The term has become politicized and attacked by critics as a Marxist ideology that poses a threat to the American way of life.
The bill prohibits people from causing people to "feel discomfort, guilt, suffering, or any other form of psychological stress because of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin."
During the training, instructors will be able to touch on the topics of sexism, slavery, racial oppression, racial segregation, racial discrimination. However, the bill states that "class teaching and curriculum may not be used to indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view."
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Democratic state senator Shevrin Jones, the committee's vice chairman and the committee's only black member, said the bill is an attempt to redefine history and keep whites from feeling uncomfortable.
“This is not even a ban on critical racial theory, this is a ban on black history,” the senator said. Are they saying they don't want white people to feel uncomfortable? Let's talk about how uncomfortable they are. It was embarrassing for my ancestors to be separated from their children.”
DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushou said the governor's position is that there can be no "discrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin" in Florida.
The bill “makes it clear that no Florida resident—student, worker, or otherwise—should be discriminated against,” she wrote. Every Florida resident deserves an equal chance of success regardless of skin color. This means that each person should be seen as an individual with unique qualities, experiences and aspirations, rather than being stereotyped as a member of one identity group or another.”
Pushow added, "It's frankly troubling that anyone would find these ideas controversial in 2022."
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