Tens of thousands of hoverboards are recalled in the USA due to the risk of fire: two children have already died - ForumDaily
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US recalls tens of thousands of hoverboards due to fire risk: two children have already died

Users of Jetson Rogue self-balancing hoverboards should stop using and charging the product immediately after the company announced a recall prompted by multiple reports of fire. Two children have already died. The edition told in more detail USA Today.

Photo: IStock

After two deaths, about 53 hoverboards/gyroscooters were recalled due to the risk of fire.

Brooklyn, NY-based Jetson Electric Bikes LLC is reaching out to all known buyers in the wake of a 10-year-old girl and her 15-year-old sister who died on April 1, 2022 in Hellertown, PA, in a fire that officials say persons could be due to the 42-volt Jetson Rogue. The fire spread from the hoverboard room to other parts of the house.

While the cause of the fire remains undetermined, there have been several other reports of fires, sparks, or melting of recalled hoverboards.

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The U.S. Consumer Safety Commission (CPSC) said the fire, which killed two girls, spread throughout the home and caused inhalation injuries to parents.

The hoverboards have two wheels with glowing hubcaps and were sold in black, blue, red, pink and purple with a black platform. The charging port on affected devices has three pins and is located to the left of the power button.

When the recalled hoverboards were sold

The recalled products were sold from 2018 to 2019 at Target stores nationwide and online, and by Jetson online from 2019 to 2021, priced between $100 and $150.

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Consumers are advised to contact Jetson through their website for a full refund. The recall states that consumers should not dispose of their Rogue's battery in the trash and should follow local procedures established by their municipal center for the disposal of recalled lithium-ion batteries.

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