US Post asks not to throw letters into blue boxes during the holiday season: what is the reason - ForumDaily
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US Post asks not to throw letters into blue boxes during the holiday season: what is the reason

Poststh of servicesа USA (USPS) asks Americans not to use blue mailboxes, especially in the next few months. You should not send by mail not only postcards, but also gift cards, money, and checks. Read more about the reasons told the publication Lifehacker.

Photo: IStock

The number of reports of mail fraud and theft has been increasing day by day throughout the year. Crimes tend to peak during the holiday season, with blue mailboxes becoming more frequent targets for criminals. This happens because many people send gifts, bonus cards, checks or just money to their relatives and friends by mail. And scammers have a huge selection of “catch”. They can even redo personal checks and receive money in their own name.

class="p1">Why you should avoid blue mailboxes this holiday season

According to the USPS, "criminal groups across the country are using the internet and social media to coordinate strategic mailbox attacks."

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If you decide to use the blue boxes, be sure to do so before the last ditch of the day so your mail doesn't lie in them all night. The time should be indicated on the front of the box.

class="p1">How to Send and Receive Email Safely During the Holiday Season

In addition, here are some tips from USPS experts to help you get your mail into the right hands:

“The best thing to do is to take it directly to your postal operator,” said US Postal Inspector Paul Shade.

“Alternatively, take the letter or package directly to the post office,” Shade advised. “Of course, this should be during normal business hours, and this is the most secure way to protect your mail.”

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Never mail cash. When the envelope is stolen, consider that the money is gone.

If you expect to receive something of value in the mail, let the sender know when you receive it. And you, when you send something valuable, let us know that the package is on its way.

Sign up for newsletter from USPSto know when your mail arrives.

If mail is fraudulent or stolen, report it to local law enforcement and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455 or fill out the form at their Online.

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