Panacea for heat or poison for the body: what happens if you drink beer every day - ForumDaily
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Panacea for heat or poison for the body: what happens if you drink beer every day

What happens to the body if you regularly drink beer? How beer affects the female and male body, reports “TSN".

Photo: IStock

Summer and heat usually force us to consume large amounts of water. Some believe that you can quench your thirst with beer, but this does not take into account that a bottle of beer contains 50-100 grams of pure alcohol.

We tell you what will happen to the body if you drink beer every day.

Alcoholism and more

Regular consumption of beer can lead to the development of beer alcoholism.

Beer contains many harmful substances that cause intoxication. These are fusel oils, aldehydes, ethers and methanol, which not only enhance the effects of intoxication, but also have a negative effect on the internal organs of a person and the body as a whole.

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Drinking beer daily can cause weight problems. Carbon dioxide and yeast expand the stomach, while alcohol irritates the sensors in the digestive tract and blocks satiety centers. Therefore, after beer, as well as after other alcoholic beverages, you usually want to eat a lot.

According to the doctor Sergey Khudoley, the consequences daily consumption of beer can be:

  • Thickening of the walls of the heart, expansion of the heart cavity, the so-called “beer heart”, necrosis of the heart muscle and even heart attacks.
  • A variety of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, pancreatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver, impaired renal function, swelling of the extremities, puffiness of the face.
  • Violation of the brain, the death of brain cells, the development of dementia, epilepsy, damage to the organs of vision and hearing, sleep disturbance.
  • Violation of the peripheral nervous system can cause dementia, vision and hearing deteriorate, sleep disturbances appear, and neuropathy is possible.
  • Violation of the hormonal background and reproductive function.

The effect of beer on the human body

Drinking beer every day can cause obesity in men and the appearance of a “beer belly.” Under the influence of alcohol and phytohormones, excess calories can be deposited in the stomach.

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A man begins to turn into a woman - the chest increases, fatty tissues are deposited according to the female type. Spermatozoa become inactive, their number decreases, libido decreases, erection problems begin.

How regular beer consumption affects a woman's body

Beer consumption can also affect the body of women, primarily on the hormonal background. In women, coarsening of the voice, the appearance of stubble and mustache, impaired libido, and reproductive functions can be observed. In women, menstrual irregularities occur, the chances of fertilization and healthy childbearing are reduced.

The dangers of drinking beer in the summer

When drinking beer on a hot summer day, heat transfer increases by sweating. It is known that beer has a diuretic effect, while a person does not notice how, instead of quenching his thirst, he loses fluid. Along with dehydration, alcohol intoxication begins.

Who Shouldn't Drink Beer

Since beer irritates the upper digestive tract, it is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive system, especially gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and chronic pancreatitis.

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It is better to give up beer for people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Exclude beer should be pregnant and lactating women. Not to be used by children and teenagers.

The benefits of beer for men and women

But there is also an opposite version. Some scientists believe that drinking beer is good for you. Beer contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. These are vitamins B1 and B2, amino acids, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, antioxidants, organic acids, the flavonoid xanthohumol, which suppresses the action of carcinogens. Due to the sugar content, beer can quickly replenish energy reserves.

In addition, beer can reduce pain and, thanks to yeast, prevents the growth of certain pathogens.

A study by the American Chemical Society Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that men who drank beer every day had a more diverse array of healthy gut microbes.

A more resilient gut microbiome leads to a lower risk of certain chronic diseases in men, such as heart disease and diabetes. The human gastrointestinal tract alone is home to trillions of microorganisms that perform many biological functions, including immune defense. “The results of this study show that drinking beer increases the diversity of bacteria in the gut without a significant change in body weight,” said Ana Faria, lead author of the study, a professor at the Nova University in Lisbon, Portugal.
In the study, 19 men aged 23 to 58 drank a 330-mL bottle of Super XNUMX% lager or non-alcoholic Swap beer every day. All participants had no major health problems during the trial.

The researchers suggest that the fermentation process in beer brewing, as well as the presence of micronutrients, may be a catalyst for improved gut health in males. “Beer is the main and probably the only source of hop polyphenols in the human diet,” says Faria. “Hops contain xanthohumol, which has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including obesity and diabetes.”

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adult men consume less than two alcoholic drinks a day, and women should consume half as much.

However, there are safer ways to strengthen your microbiome. This includes eating foods rich in pre- and probiotics, including Greek yogurt, many fruits and vegetables, and avoiding sugar, artificial sweeteners, and excessive alcohol consumption.

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