Unprecedented discounts: Walmart launches sale before Black Friday - ForumDaily
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Unprecedented Discounts: Walmart Launches Black Friday Sale

Walmart is ready to delight its customers with discounts ahead of Black Friday. The sale is focused on electronics, toys, cosmetics and much more. There are even major deals in automotive products.

Фото: Depositphotos

NY Post has compiled a list of the very best products you can buy at the time of sale, including vacuum cleaner Dyson V7 и HP 14 ″ HD laptop .
But you can also visit Page with discounts Walmart to Black friday to check all sales.


1.TV Samsung 43 ”, 4K UHD, 2160p, LED Smart TV

Selling price: $ 227.99

Introductory Price: $ 499,99

2. Notebook Hp 14 ″ HD

Selling price: $ 399

Introductory Price: $ 599

3. Television Samsung 50 "Class 4K UHD 2160p LED Smart TV

Selling price: $ 277.99

Introductory Price: $ 429,99

4. RCA Galileo Pro 11,5 ″ 32 GB 2-in-1 tablet with keyboard

Selling price: $ 87.99

Introductory Price: $ 179,99

5. Television Samsung 65 ”Class 4K UHD 2160p LED Smart TV

Selling price: $ 477.99

Original price: $ 797,99

6. Wired cctv camera

Selling price: $ 199.99

Introductory Price: $ 299,99

7. Battery Vacuum Cleaner Dyson V7 Motorhead Origin

Selling price: $ 224

Introductory Price: $ 279

8. Carpet cleaner Hoover power scrub

Selling price: $ 127.67

Introductory Price: $ 219

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Kitchen goods

9. Friturniki Instant Vortex Plus 7-in-1

Selling price: $ 99,95

Introductory Price: $ 119,99

10. Magic bullet

Selling price: $ 19,92

Introductory Price: $ 39,99

11. Cookware Set Pioneer Woman Vintage Speckle 24 pcs.

Selling price: $ 119

Introductory Price: $ 219

12. Kitchen blender Ninja Supra with Food Processor

Selling price: $ 138

Introductory Price: $ 169,99

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Sporting goods

13. Treadmill Gold's Gym Trainer 720

Selling price: $ 499

Introductory Price: $ 599,99

14. Adjustable Dumbbell Set NordicTrack Select-a-Weight 55lb

Selling price: $ 229

Introductory Price: $ 219

15. Table Tennis JOOLA Envoy Indoor

Selling price: $ 109.97

Introductory Price: 134,97 $

16. Lifetime 6 ′ Youth Kayak with Paddle

Selling price: $ 99

Introductory Price: $ 199

17. A pool table Classic Sport 87 ″ Brighton

Selling price: $ 399

Introductory Price: $ 499,99

18. MD Sports Roll and Score Table

Selling price: $ 274.99

Introductory Price: $ 359,99

19. Bike with a slide for dolls Disney Frozen 16 ″ EZ Build Huffy Girls

Selling price: $ 74

Introductory Price: $ 84

20. Youth fishing rod and reel set

Selling price: $ 6 +

Introductory Price: $ 14,96 +

21. Compressor Stanley 1000 / 500 Amp

Selling price: $ 64.91

Introductory Price: $ 89.85

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Auto products

22. Holiday tire savings

Selling price: $ 63.92 +

Introductory Price: $ 76.77 +

23. Holiday Savings on Greenball Tires

Selling price: $ 29,33 +

Introductory Price: $ 36,94 +

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