How to reserve your seat in the airport security queue
Even if you've packed your bag like a pro, checked in early, and downloaded your boarding pass, the security queue can still ruin your thoughtful travel preparation. But there is a way to avoid delays, outsmart the system and get through like a VIP passenger. Mashable.
Yes, there are apps to check waiting times so you can plan your time properly, including the official one from the Transportation Security Administration. But seasoned travel professionals know that the best way to expedite the airport security check is to reserve your seat in line. And for free. Here's how it works.
How to reserve a seat in the security queue
Travel tech company Clear, which uses biometric identification to speed up the security check process, owns a tool called Reserve. Go to broker on your computer or mobile phone and select the airport you are flying from. How far in advance you can reserve your seat depends on the airport. See the airport website for details.
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Clear-based reservations are available at 15 airports in North America and Europe: Calgary, Charleston, Edmonton, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Newark, Orlando, Phoenix, Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver, Amsterdam, Berlin and Munich. They cover many of the main tourist destinations, but the Reserve plans to roll out to more cities, so don't worry if none of them are near you. This will change over time.
Fill in your flight details
Click on the name of the airport you are departing from and you will be redirected to a new page where you will need to fill in your flight information including departure date, destination, airline and flight number.
Next, select the number of people with whom you are going to travel (up to 10 people).
Then choose from the list of 15 minute time slots for your booking. The reserve is designed to hold your seat for 15 minutes before or after the booking time, so you have some wiggle room if you arrive early or late.
Enter your name, email address and phone number, then verify your information and click on "Create an Appointment".
We love QR code
Once you have booked your seat, you will receive a confirmation email with a QR code. When you get to the airport, follow the signs for the emergency line and scan your QR code. This will allow you to move to the beginning of the TSA line. Don't forget to wave to everyone else in line.
small print
Reserve is different from Clear and Clear Plus, the latter of which is paid. Subscribing to it gives you access to the Clear Express lanes. If you have Clear or Clear Plus, you can use Reserve to reserve your seat in the screening queue. Though Clear Plus members already have fast track access to Clear Lane, so it doesn't make much sense.
If you have TSA PreCheck and are using Reserve, this won't help much because Reserve will take you through the standard TSA check line.
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In addition, one should always take into account the policy confidentiality. Using Clear comes with an inherent risk due to all the biometric data that is collected. As per its privacy policy, Clear says it will never sell your data - you can delete it at any time. Reserve meets the highest data protection standards. However, Clear's large amount of personal customer data makes it an attractive target for hackers, and it shares non-biometric data with its partners for marketing purposes. Although Reserve does not require you to provide any biometric data, you will still share personal information (name, email address, flight information) with the company.
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