How to shop at a farmer's market: 7 rules from experienced customers - ForumDaily
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How to Shop at a Farmer's Market: 7 Rules from Experienced Customers

Farmers' markets are filled with fresh, inexpensive products, but of course, shopping there is different from the usual shopping trip to the supermarket. If you know a few simple rules, you can effectively and happily make the necessary purchases at the farmers' market, reports Limes.

Photo: IStock

There are people who love farmers markets for the atmosphere but often leave empty-handed. Abundance is lethargic, and all you can do is pull out your phone and take a picture of a yellow watermelon cut in half or piles of golden pumpkin buds, and then run back to your car, iced coffee sweating in one hand and phone in the other, and , of course, an empty big bag is fluttering in the wind.

Sure, you can order groceries delivered to your door or visit a supermarket, but nothing beats the feeling of walking through a fragrant open-air farmers' market with a clear plan.

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Here's what savvy shopper Diana Ruzova, chefs and professional buyers at farmers' markets recommend, so you can buy what you need without the hassle.

1. Plan ahead

To avoid feeling overwhelmed at a farmers' market, make a list based on what you plan to cook for the week. “I think it's very important to plan ahead. Decide the night before what you plan to cook. When you go to the market, you already have an idea of ​​the ingredients you want to buy and use,” said Bar Lis chef José Contreras, packing Sungold tomatoes into a cardboard box at Hollywood Farmers Market.

The list is also helpful to save money and avoid food waste. Salesman Shay Seward of Cobblermania chimed in: “Make a list to avoid buying products you don’t need and try to stick to it. Don't walk down the aisles like you would in a supermarket because you will inevitably buy what you don't need."

2. Assess the area

For example, the Alhambra Farmers Market has a large selection of Asian produce. “I usually arrive a little earlier than it opens to avoid crowds. I usually check which farms are in which markets as I have my favorite products. Hollywood and Santa Monica are my favorites, but lately Saturdays in Pasadena are really good!” said chef, baker and jelly artist Lexi Park of Eat Nunchi.

Microgreens farmer Jonah Ho of Ho.Listic Operations at the Redondo Beach Farmers Market recommends checking markets online first. “Just like in school, we want to be prepared. Try searching a few marketplaces on social media and see if they have a list of vendors. Then you can go to the market and explore it. You don’t have to buy anything right away,” she said.

3. Take a bag on wheels

While most people go to a farmer's market with a few crumpled bags, experts recommend a cart/bag with wheels or a bag with handles that don't cut into the palm of your hand. “I definitely always carry a trolley bag with me so I don’t have to carry heavy things around,” said one customer. Mona Welch, a frequent shopper at the Hollywood Farmers' Market in Westwood, recommends bringing empty yogurt containers for small purchases "so they don't get crushed."

4. Let the seasons guide you

There are almost no seasons in California, but that doesn't mean the produce isn't seasonal. Do some research beforehand. Or, Welch recommends, “Ask what’s fresh right now. Pretend you don't know anything and trust the farmers." You can also just watch other people shop and see what's in abundance on the shelves.

5. Put down the phone and make friends with salespeople

Many vendors have “no photography” signs, so keep your phone in your pocket and engage in conversation. Who knows? Maybe the farmer will throw you an extra head of cabbage. Vendors are also eager to share recipes and techniques, like Erica Wayne Decker of Klausesbees at the Monrovia Farmers Market. “I can give some new ideas on how to use honey if you are not familiar with the product,” he said.

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6. Bring cash

Cash didn't die after all. “Most merchants accept cards, but it's best to bring cash with you,” Pak recommends. And sellers agree. Atef Alomari of Brothers Products at the Monrovia Farmers' Market said that while he accepts cards, he "preferred cash" to avoid additional credit card fees.

7. Don't forget to try

So, your phone is in your pocket. Your bag is rolling. You have a list in your hand and money in your pocket. You're ready for smart shopping, but don't forget the freebies! There aren't many places outside of Costco that offer free trials. What's better than tasting goodies, making friends with farmers, and learning about new ingredients and seasonal products?

“You'll see things at the farmers' market that you don't see at regular markets. Many sellers let you try their products. This way you can try the products instead of buying something that will disappoint you at home,” said Seward of Cobblermania.

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