What to do if you are stopped by a police officer in the USA - ForumDaily
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What to do if you are stopped by a police officer in the USA

To make your meeting with an American policeman as painless as possible, you should follow some rules. When a police officer stops a car, the driver may become nervous. However, in reality, officers have more reason to be nervous because they never know what to expect from the person behind the wheel. As a general rule, the more effort you put into making the officer feel safe, the safer you will be. Writes about this WikiHow.

Photo: Shutterstock

1 Method: What to do if you are stopped

  1. Know your rights. A police officer can stop you for any traffic violation, be it major or minor. He may even follow you to wait for a violation on your part. Never argue with a police officer or act in a threatening or hostile manner. In this case, the officer may arrest you or take other preventive measures.
  • A police officer cannot stop you because of your age, race, or the type of car you are driving. If you believe you were stopped wrongfully, record your conversation with the officer if possible. Just leave your phone on the panel and start recording.
  1. Look for a convenient place to exit from the road. Slow down, turn on the turn signal and move to the right. This will be a signal to the officer of your intentions. Try to find a parking space or a pocket by the road. Many officers will be grateful for the deliberate congress. Remove the key from the ignition and place it on the panel.
  • If it is dark outside and you are alone in the car, you have the right to drive to a well-lit place, such as a gas station. If you plan to drive to a safe location, dial 911 and report that you have been asked to stop but are looking for a well-lit place to stop. The 911 operator will relay this information to the police officer.
  1. Relax. Although being stopped by police is not a pleasant experience, you will be fine in any case, even if you are given a fine. Take a deep breath and remember that police officers are not scary and kind. Their job is to protect you.

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  1. Lower the driver's window and all tinted windows. If it is dark, turn on the lights in the cabin. Do everything slow. The officer will watch you closely to make sure that you are not pulling out a weapon and are not hiding anything. Do not reach for the glove box or under the seat. When the officer approaches the car, put your hands on the steering wheel so that he can see them.
  2. Do not speak first. Approaching you, the officer will ask for a driver's license and registration. He is not obliged to tell you the reason for the stop until you give him the documents. When making movements with your hands, tell the officer that you are pulling out your ID and registration. Do everything slowly and clearly. If you are staying in a dark place, the officer will shine a flashlight into your hands. After bringing the documents, put your hands back on the steering wheel. While the officer is checking your ID and car status on the radio, keep your hands on the wheel.
  • Keep your ID and registration in an envelope, preferably yellow or another bright color, rather than in your bag. The envelope should be small, so that the gun does not fit inside it. If you store documents in the glove compartment or under the seat (which is not recommended), ask the officer for permission to remove your envelope from there.
  • If you do not have a license or registration, the officer may arrest you for driving without one or give you a ticket. If you have a valid reason for being undocumented, the officer will allow you to show another photo ID. Using it, he will be able to search for you in the database. However, in any case, everything depends on the police officer, so try not to drive without a driver's license and registration.
  1. Answer shortly. Be polite at all times and address the police officer as "officer." You can ask what his or her name is. Open-ended questions can get you into trouble - the officer may be trying to get a confession out of you that will later be used against you in court. All your answers will be recorded by him or her on the record. In addition, more and more police officers are using personal cameras, so your conversation may even be recorded. Here are some examples of how to answer questions:
  • “Do you know why you were stopped?” - "No".
  • “Do you know how fast you were driving?” - "Yes". Answering “No” to this question may lead the officer to believe that you were not looking at the speed limit signs or speedometer. If you really don't know, then say, "I think about X speed."
  • If the officer asks, “Did you have a good reason for being in a hurry?” - answer “No”. If you answer “yes,” then even if you were not speeding, the officer will assume that you were and will most likely issue you a ticket.
  • If he asks “Did you drink?” And you did not drink, answer “no” if you were stopped for chaotic driving. If you are taking a pill or have a disease that may affect your driving style, say so.
  • If an officer sees or even smells an open can or bottle of alcohol, you may be asked to take a breathalyzer test. A police officer cannot force you to breathe into a tube without first obtaining a search warrant. But if you refuse to take a breathalyzer test, you will be subject to immediate arrest and suspension of your driver's license. If this happens, you may be forced to take a breathalyzer test in jail when the officer manages to obtain a warrant. And it will be easy to get it provided that you have violated the traffic rules.

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  1. Follow all the orders of the officer. In the case of non-execution of orders, your behavior will be evaluated as a riot or resistance. This may convince the officer of the need to use force against you to force him to carry out his orders. Relieve yourself from the hassle and follow all the orders received from the officers.
  • If the officer sees any prohibited items in sight, he can open the door and withdraw them.
  • In the United States, moving vehicles are subject to search after being stopped by law enforcement if there is probable cause. Reasonable reasons for a search include suspicious behavior by the driver or passengers, as well as objects or remarks that the officer smells, sees, or hears. For example, violation of safety rules, open containers, possible presence of weapons, and so on.
  • If an officer asks if he can search your car, you have the right to say no. If you refuse a search, this is not a valid reason. However, the courts, as a rule, reckon with the opinion of the police regarding the existence of a valid reason. Even if the reason proposed by the officer is wrong, such a search would still be considered legitimate.
  • Don't get involved in a meaningless conversation with a police officer. The officer knows why he stopped you, and anything you say can be used against you. You have the right to remain silent and not create grounds for suspicion against you. Do not say anything other than answer the officer's questions. Don't boast about knowing a fellow officer, either—he or she may assume you know him or her because of previous violations or arrests.
  • Do not get out of the car unless requested by the police. Such movement is almost always perceived as a threat, and it is safer for you to be inside, rather than on the highway along which cars are moving. Do not unfasten your seat belt. Even though you have stopped traffic, the car is still on the street or road with traffic, and someone could drive into your car. Also, as long as you are wearing a seat belt, the officer will not suspect you of wanting to run away. If you unbuckle it before the policeman sees you, he has the right to fine you for not fastening your seat belt, even if you were wearing it - he didn’t see it.
  1. You should know the legal grounds for searching your car. In the United States, moving vehicles are subject to search after being stopped by law enforcement if there is probable cause. If an officer sees illegal items in plain sight, he can search the part of the vehicle containing them and, if necessary, arrest you. If the officer asks if he can search your vehicle, you do not have to agree. If you refuse a search, remember that the officer may find probable cause to conduct the search.
  • Reasonable reasons for a search include suspicious behavior by the driver or passengers, as well as objects or remarks that the officer smells, sees, or hears. For example, violation of safety rules, open containers or objects that may be weapons. Please note that refusing to search a vehicle is not a valid reason. If the officer doesn't offer anything else, you will be free to go as soon as he issues you a ticket or warning.
  • Keep in mind that the officer does not need to ask your permission to have your car examined from the outside by dogs from a dog unit (for drugs, people, explosives, etc.).
  1. Be polite and do not argue if they charge you a fine. You will have time in the transport court for this if you want to challenge the decision of the officer. Instead, thank the cop and control your emotions. If you think that you were stopped illegally or that a police officer did something illegal, do not tell him about it during the stop. Better remember the name of the officer for the future.
  • If the stop is delayed, you can ask the officer if you can go.
  • If you believe an officer has done something illegal, you have the right to contact an attorney and see if there are grounds to file a complaint with the county or state in which the officer works. For example, if you believe an officer stopped you because of your race, consult with a lawyer and consider filing a report.

2 Method: What to do if you are arrested

  1. Know the grounds for the arrest. A police officer can arrest a person for a traffic violation if he personally saw the person commit the crime or the officer has probable cause to make the arrest. If an officer has a reasonable belief, based on the facts and circumstances, that a person has committed or is about to commit a crime, the officer has the authority to arrest that person.
  • For example, if you drive a vehicle erratically and violate the rules of the road, a police officer may assign you a test on an alcohol meter. If the test determines that you took alcohol, the officer may arrest you. Or if the officer sees drugs in your car, he will have a good reason for your arrest.
  • Find out if you are being arrested. Ask if you can go. If the answer is no, ask why you are being arrested. After this, it is better to stop talking.
  1. Know what the police have the right to do during and after the arrest. If you are detained, the police may do the following simply because you are detained:
  • Search you and your clothes.
  • Search your belongings.
  • Search your car if you were in it when you were stopped.
  • Ask you to take a test, for example, to test for alcohol intoxication.
  • Ask you questions. Please note that you are not obligated to respond and have the right to remain silent.
  • If this happens to you, keep calm and cooperate with the police as much as possible.
  1. Understand your rights. Police are required to read you what are called Miranda rights before questioning you after arrest. They make you aware that you have the right to remain silent when you are being questioned, and anything you say can and will be used against you. The police do not have the right to threaten you or otherwise force you to talk to them or make a statement to them. If this happens to you, you should tell your lawyer immediately.
  • If the police start asking you a lot of questions and you have reason to believe that you will be arrested (you know better whether they are or not), then you should stop talking. If you are going to be arrested, keep your mouth shut. Anything you say before you are arrested can also be used against you.
  • If the police begin questioning you without reading you your Miranda rights, then what you say cannot be used against you in court. Please note - the police will ask you all the time if you want to talk to them, even after reading your rights. They have the right to trick you into dialogue and are not obliged to be honest with you even after reading your Miranda rights.

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