In the United States, they reduced the cost and simplified the procedure for obtaining asylum
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has removed the requirement to provide biometric data when filing Form I-765 Application for Work Permit for asylum seekers. This is stated on the site. USCIS.
The fee for the services of receiving biometric data will also not be charged when applying.
Previously, if you filed Form I-765, you would be charged for biometric services, and you were required to provide them.
Back in February 2022, USCIS lifted several rules. Now they work again:
- the 30-day requirement to process work permit requests based on a pending asylum application has been renewed (USCIS must process Forms I-765 within 30 days);
- you will again receive and must respond to Requests for Evidence (RFE) and Notices of Intent to Dismiss (NOID) (USCIS will not reject your Form I-765 based on the now waived rule, but you must respond to any RFE or NOID you receive to prevent delays in making a decision).
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Prior to this, USCIS had already made several changes to the rules for obtaining a work permit for asylum seekers. Among them:
- use of existing I-765 Forms и I-589 Forms (from 25.08.2020);
- extension of the submission of documents for membership in CASA / ASAP (programs for the protection of asylum seekers);
- applying for a work permit 150 days after your asylum claim instead of 365 days (you are not eligible for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) until your asylum claim has been pending for a total of 180 days) ;
- you do not need to answer Form I-765 questions about whether you legally entered the United States through a port of entry (you are no longer prohibited from obtaining a work permit based on your asylum application if you entered or attempted to enter the United States illegally) ;
- you may be granted a work permit based on your asylum application even if you do not apply for asylum within 1 year of entering the United States;
- eligibility criteria related to certain criminal acts and convictions no longer apply (only aggravated criminal convictions will disqualify you from a work permit);
- if your asylum application is denied, your EAD does not automatically terminate on the same day 60 days after the adoption of such a decision);
- USCIS must "deem completed" certain asylum applications (the rule that allowed USCIS to reject improperly submitted asylum applications is no longer in effect. If you are not returned your asylum application as incomplete within 30 days of receiving it then it will be considered complete and you will be contacted to inquire about the missing information required for the application to be accepted);
- the ability to apply for an extension of your work permit if you filed an appeal with the US Court of Appeals in a timely manner and a decision has not yet been made;
- asylum officers will review any evidence you provide before or during your interview (the officer may delay your scheduled interview if he is unable to review your evidence before the interview).
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As ForumDaily wrote earlier:
- Effective May 4, USCIS extended the automatic renewal of work permits and Employment Authorization Documents (EAD) up to 540 days.
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