Can foods cause or prevent cancer: a list of food carcinogens - ForumDaily
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Can foods cause or prevent cancer: a list of food carcinogens

Articles regularly appear in the press and online about how this or that product provokes the development of cancer. The list is growing steadily, and you can’t even look into the refrigerator without fear... But are the most popular “accused” really so scary, and can they contribute to the formation of cancer cells? Journalists Which turned to science to find out the truth.

Photo: Shutterstock

Processed Meat

Some meat products, such as processed meats (such as bacon, ham and salami), have been shown to actually increase the risk of cancer, especially colorectal and stomach cancer. The fact is that nitrates and nitrites, which are added during meat processing, are proven carcinogens. The World Health Organization says that just 50g of processed meat per day (about 2 slices of bacon) increases the risk of developing bowel cancer by 18%.


Unlike meat, an equally popular product “accused” of causing cancer—sugar—is not directly linked to the development of cancer. This is despite the numerous horror stories that surround the product.

It is important to remember: in spite of the absence of a direct relationship between sugar consumption and cancer, there is an indirect relationship. Excess sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, but overweight already has a very specific proven connection with the development of cancer.


Although many media outlets regularly blame pesticides, artificial sweeteners and food additives for causing cancer, science has yet to find direct evidence of this. All of the above products and additives are tested for safety before they are approved for use in foods and beverages. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, there is "some likelihood" of increased risks only for those exposed to large doses of pesticides and additives through work in farms and industrial plants.

What really increases the risk

In addition to processed meats, other proven factors that increase your chance of getting cancer include smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight, being sedentary and having an unhealthy diet. Smoking and alcohol are classified as class 15 carcinogens, which means that there is direct evidence linking these factors to the development of cancer. But this does not mean that they are equally harmful. Smoking is a risk factor for at least 15 types of cancer and is a proven cause of at least 3% of cancers. Alcohol is a confirmed cause in about XNUMX% of cases.

Foods that prevent cancer

In contrast to the terrible news about carcinogenic food, sometimes the praise of other products - the so-called superfoods - goes beyond all possible boundaries. You can also add green tea and turmeric, the benefits of which only the lazy have not written about.

Superfoods traditionally include blueberries, pomegranates and fatty fish - while these are certainly healthy and beneficial additions to the diet, eating alone cannot reduce the likelihood of developing cancer.

Supplements containing large doses of vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants are often promoted as helping to reduce cancer risk; but - sadly - even here there is no reliable evidence confirming their miraculous properties.

Most scientists and doctors agree on one thing: to reduce the risk of developing cancer, it is best to eat more varied fruits and vegetables, increase fiber intake, maintain a healthy weight, and not smoke.

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