146 dead dogs found in Ohio animal shelter owner's house - ForumDaily
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146 dead dogs found at Ohio animal shelter owner's home 

Investigators from the Portage County Animal Protection League (APL) in Ohio are working to determine the cause of death for more than 140 dogs. They were found dead in a house owned by the founder and president of the animal shelter. The edition told in more detail WFLA.

Photo: IStock

Ambulance crews arrived at the home of Canine Lifeline founder Barbara Weeble after she was found unconscious. Now she is in the hospital.

A subsequent investigation uncovered "overwhelming evidence of ongoing lethal neglect of animals" at the home, as well as another Weeble residence in Mantua, the organization wrote.

At a house in Mantua, officers found "146 dead dogs in various stages of decomposition," many of them locked in their cages.

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"None of the volunteers knew of any of Weeble's illnesses prior to this latest hospitalization, nor the number of dogs she adopted, nor the condition of her home," Canine Lifeline said in a statement.

The charity even brings in dogs from southern Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee in hopes of finding good homes for them. The charity said it has helped save more than 2009 animals since its founding in 6000.

Neighbors said a delivery driver reported his concerns to the Portage County Sheriff's Office last summer.

It also became known that last summer APL took dozens of dogs from home.

One of the neighbors noticed that she had not seen anyone in the house since October last year.

“It was very windy in the fall and branches were falling onto the driveway. So I know that no one came or went, ”she said, identifying herself as Mary Ellen.

Volunteers for the charity said Weebl is a very private person and they have never been to her home in Parma or Mantua.

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Why she had so many dogs in her mansion is still unknown.

The surviving dogs found at the Weebl home in Parma are being cared for at a local animal shelter, Canine Lifeline reported.

A tax filing filed by Canine Lifeline with the IRS in 2019 (the last year filed on behalf of the charity) shows income of more than $190 on expenses of more than $000.

The investigation remains active. No charges have been filed yet.

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