Three unusual ways to save on groceries in 2023 - ForumDaily
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Three unusual ways to save on groceries in 2023

Americans are just starting to get used to higher food prices, but they still feel uneasy at the sight of a receipt from the store. Unfortunately, products are becoming more expensive every day, and so far there is no relief. A recent USDA report says that all food prices are projected to rise another 4,5% in 2023. So it's time to rethink your shopping strategies and find smart ways to keep your budget on track. Andrea Vorokh told the publication The Kitchen your savings hacks. Next - from the first person.

Photo: IStock

While proven methods of saving on groceries, such as buying the store's own brands and comparing unit prices, are a great way to lower your overall food costs, I don't stop there. Here are three amazing tricks that I advise you from personal experience to cut down on food costs.

class="p1">1. Review the expiration date

There was a period where my husband was rummaging through the fridge and throwing out any "expired" food until we got into the depths of what those dates actually mean. We were surprised that in many cases the foods we threw away were mostly safe to eat. The confusion over expiration dates has led not only to unnecessary food waste, but also to a waste of money.

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According to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), the date printed on food packaging indicates when it is best to consume the food for quality, not safety. This means that most groceries are generally safe to eat after the "best by" or "best buy by" date; they can also be frozen for later use.

class="p1">2. Discover coupons

The fastest way to find coupons is through the grocery store's mobile app. Signing up is free and gives you access to a variety of product-specific offers that you capture with the tap of a finger and scan at checkout for instant savings. Some offer discounts for new users and exclusive members. Let's say I recently won a $5 rebate just for signing up for Albertson For U Rewards.

If you prefer to place your groceries order online, always look for a coupon code through a deal aggregator like He recommends many product deals, such as $30 off $75 and free shipping on VON when you place your first Drive Up & Go order, and 15% off any purchase at Kroger.

Do not throw away grocery receipts as they may contain valuable coupons for future purchases. Most recently, I was able to get a $5 off of a $50 check listed at the bottom of a Sprouts check. These same receipts can be turned into cash with the Fetch Rewards app - take a photo of your grocery receipts with the app to earn points for free gift cards at various stores like Amazon, Target and Walmart.

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class="p1">3. Buy in bulk selectively

While buying in bulk offers better unit prices and also ensures I can stock up on my favorite groceries and make fewer trips, it's not the best strategy for cutting down on my overall food expenses. This is because buying in bulk can result in food waste if I can't eat a large amount of fresh food before it rots.

I learned that even a bag of chips or a box of crackers can get stale if not consumed on time, so think about that before stocking up. Be aware of how much food your family eats that can go bad or stale in a short amount of time, and consider keeping track of those purchases. And then stick to smaller packs or containers for products used more sparingly, or limit bulk packs to just a few.

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