In the US, they created a unique cancer vaccine: cancer cells kill themselves
Researchers have developed a new cell therapy vaccine to eliminate existing tumors and induce long-term ones. The patient receives temporary immunity, which trains the immune system so that it can prevent cancer from returning, reports NeuroscienceNews.
Scientists are using a new way to turn cancer cells into powerful anti-cancer agents.
The latest work from the laboratory of Khalid Shah, MS, Ph.D., at Brigham and Women's Hospital, co-founder of the Mass General Brigham Health System, describes a new approach to stem cell therapy that eliminates established brain tumors and provides long-lasting immunity by training the immune system. prevent cancer recurrence.
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The team tested their dual-acting cancer-killing vaccine in an advanced mouse model of the brain's lethal glioblastoma, with promising results.
They are published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
“Our team pursued a simple idea: take cancer cells and turn them into cancer killers,” said Khalid Shah, MSc, PhD, director of the Center for Stem Cells and Translational Immunotherapy (CSTI).
“Using genetic engineering, we repurpose cancer cells to develop a therapeutic that kills tumor cells and stimulates the immune system to destroy primary tumors and prevent cancer,” he explained.
Cancer vaccines are an active area of research for many laboratories, but the approach taken by Shah and his colleagues is different. Instead of inactivated tumor cells, the team uses live tumor cells, which have an unusual property. Like homing pigeons returning to roost, living tumor cells travel long distances through the brain to return to the site of their fellow tumor cells.
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Taking advantage of this unique property, Shah's team constructed live tumor cells using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool and repurposed them to release a tumor cell-killing agent.
In addition, the engineered tumor cells allow the immune system to easily detect, mark and remember them, tuning the immune system for a long-term antitumor response.
The team tested their repurposed CRISPR-enhanced and reshaped therapeutic tumor cells (ThTC) in a variety of mouse strains, including one that carried human-derived bone marrow, liver, and thymus cells that mimic the human immune microenvironment. Shah's team built a two-level safety switch into the cancer cell that, when activated, destroys ThTC if necessary.
This dual cell therapy was safe, applicable and effective in these models and offered a new avenue for therapy. While further testing and development is needed, Shah's team specifically chose this model and used human cells to make it easier to translate their results to patients.
“Throughout the work that we do at the Center, even if it is very technical, we never lose sight of the patient,” said Shah.
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“Our goal is to use an innovative but applicable approach so that we can develop a therapeutic, cancer-killing vaccine that will ultimately have a long-term impact on medicine,” he explained.
Shah and colleagues believe that this therapeutic strategy is applicable to a wider range of large tumors, so further research on its application is needed.
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