Stewardess Delta touchingly supported a deaf girl who first flew alone. PHOTO
The simple but touching and caring gesture of the Delta stewardess touched the network. The mother of a deaf teenage girl tweeted a note in which the stewardess expressed her support for her daughter, who was flying unaccompanied for the first time.

Фото: Depositphotos
Back in July, 16-year-old Ashley Ober of Hagerstown, Maryland, was about to take her first solo flight from Baltimore to Rochester. While this would not be a problem for most, Ashley was nervous - she would be flying through John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York, and the girl, who was deaf since birth, was afraid of getting confused and doing something wrong. yes, he writes Gate checked.
Loretta Aubert, Ashley’s mother, mentioned that she wanted to make her daughter’s trip easier, but she wanted to prove that she could be independent even with a disability, and decided to cope on her own.
In an interview with ABC7 WJLA with the help of a sign language interpreter, Ashley said, “I was nervous: What if I miss my flight or don't know where to go during transit? JFK is such a big airport, so I didn't know where to go in advance."
Ashley was able to successfully board her Delta flight to JFK and, to her great surprise, received a handwritten note from the flight attendant, who introduced herself as Gianna.
“Good morning, Ashley. My name is Gianna and I will be your flight attendant on today's flight to JFK. There are two buttons above your head. The yellow one turns on the light for reading, and the big gray one with the little man you can press if you want to call me or need something. In case of an emergency, the emergency exit is behind you. These are our side exits. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need any help. Welcome aboard."

Even though the note itself was simple and very similar in content to what other passengers would hear during a traditional pre-takeoff briefing, Ashley said she had "never felt this level of politeness before" and was "inspired" by it. The girl called the note one of those things that are worth cherishing.
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Meanwhile, Ashley's mom waited patiently, receiving a text from her daughter confirming she had boarded safely and even a photo of the note. The mom posted a photo on Twitter with the comment: “My deaf daughter flew on her own! The flight attendant gave her this note on the plane! Delta are simply amazing!”

“Deaf people can do anything,” Ashley told reporters. — Communication is most important. Access to communication is most important. It’s very important to try to make an effort to make deaf people feel comfortable rather than afraid.”
A Delta spokesperson responded to the situation: “We are very proud of the flight attendant's thoughtful approach in making the customer feel welcome. Our goal is to make the world more inclusive, making travel easier for all people."
The airline also mentioned that passengers with hearing or speech impairments will soon be able to easily identify employees who are able to communicate in sign language both on the ground and in the air: the airline will distribute uniform badges indicating these employees.
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