Fear of change, the complexity of English and scammers: how to deal with the main threats to immigration - ForumDaily
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Fear of Change, Difficulty of English and Scammers: How to Deal with Major Immigration Threats

Work and business in the USA: how to recognize a scam, writes the author of the blog “The Truth about Life in the USA” on the portal Yandex Zen.

Photo: Shutterstock

Elena Korshunova, a blogger from Odessa, lives and works in the USA.

She shares her observations on American life and gives practical advice on how not to get into trouble.

What the emigrants talk about

Elena often hears from compatriots who immigrated to the USA: “We arrived too late”, “I will never learn English”, “We arrived at an age when it is too late to make a career”, “We came for the sake of the children, we ourselves anything."

Therefore, the reasons that prompted her to write this article are as follows:

  1. Problems of emigrants. Confusion and lack of available information.
  2. A scam that lies in wait for newcomers to the country of great opportunities.

Knowledge is yes, power

“You can be 101% sure that neither age nor specialty here becomes an obstacle to development in your career and business,” the author is convinced.

She identified only three factors that inhibit us:

  • self-doubt
  • confusion
  • laziness

“For the lazy here, the only legal prospect is to vegetate on the minimum wage. I really don’t recommend listening to slippery advice about loopholes and tricks to circumvent the law. From time to time, the FBI covers one or another shop. Covert investigations are carried out for years, and then - bam! - and one sad day you risk being handcuffed because of a dubious adventure,” warns Elena.

She is sure that in the USA at any age you can find your niche, profitable and interesting. Useful information plays an important role in this, but it needs to be filtered and used correctly.

Google to help

“There is probably nothing today that cannot be dug up on the Internet. Here’s a simple tip for you (or the idiom life-hack, beloved by bloggers), writes the author. - Let's go back to the hint. For example, you want to check whether your specialty is in demand in the American labor market. In this case, you need portals such as Indeed, Glassdoor, Craigslist, or simply Google jobs. Enter your specialty into the search bar, for example, carpenter jobs in NYC."

She advises looking at lists of open vacancies to see how many there are, because the more open positions, the higher your competitiveness.

The second tip from the blogger: when opening a job ad, pay attention to the requirements put forward.

They will come in handy for assessing your own professional relevance and when writing a resume.

English. Great and terrible

Elena believes that it is absolutely necessary to master English, at least at the level necessary for your profession.

“English is not as scary as it seems at first glance. Even if you repeatedly started teaching him and gave up, or spent six years wasting your time teaching him at school, forget this sad experience,” she assures. “You just didn't use the right strategies.”

How to recognize a scammer

According to the blogger, there is an opinion that “misleading” compatriots is the prerogative of “ours.”

In fact, this is not so.

The fact is, Elena explains, that in areas where many Russians settle, American organizations hire personnel who speak both English and Russian.

“Well, some of our people just can’t get rid of the habit of lying and cheating, even without any personal gain. A carriage and a small cart will tell you stories about a scam without me, but not all “ours” are swindlers and not all swindlers are “ours”,” the blogger noted.

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She made her own rules for combating deception in the United States.

The most elementary ways to deal with charlatans:

1. Do not give your social security number (SSN) to anyone who asks, and do not give your personal information to just anyone, especially by phone.

Exception: entering into official forms in serious respectable organizations. For example, a bank, a medical office, an educational institution, applying for a job, formalizing contracts (say, renting or buying a home), an electric and gas company, buying a phone or Internet from an official provider.

2. Don't rush to answer the phone "yes" without being sure of the calling organization.

There is an opinion that your affirmative answer can be recorded and used as approval of financial transactions from your account, questionable service, etc.

Practice using English synonyms, use other affirmative answers, for example:

Voice from phone: Hi! Am I speaking with Masha?

You: This is me.


Masha is speaking.

Or you can answer the question with a question:

Whom I have a pleasure to speak with?


Excuse me, where are you calling from?

Voice from Phone: Is this time convenient for you to talk?

You: I am available to talk now.


Could you please call me later / in an hour / tomorrow / around 3 pm?


Unfortunately, I'm not available to talk to you now.


I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your service.

“After that, switch off. Don’t listen to what they will pester you further,” the blogger advises.

3. Disconnect from the conversation as soon as you hear that “your social security number has been expired” (it doesn't really happen), “your car insurance has been expired” (especially if you don't have a car), “your bank account has been expired ”and other such nonsense.

This is scam, wiring. Very common these days.

4. Teach children not to give random Internet interlocutors any personal data (surname, address, names and place of work of parents, etc.).

5. Check your credit card transactions once a month. In addition, if the bank suspects suspicious activity on your account, they will immediately call you.

6. Google again! Any information, business, person and even a photo is easy to check on the Internet.

“This is not to say that you should suspect everyone of malicious intent, but if something seems unreliable to you, check,” the author warns.

7. Take your time! In most situations, do not rush to answer and do not rush to sign your name.

Positive attitude. Allow yourself to rest.

“And last but not least,” says Elena. — Tune in to a positive result and don’t doubt your abilities. If you feel that you are too overloaded with tasks and information, just slow down - slow down, enjoy the views of nature and give yourself a rest so that you can move on with new strength and a positive mood.”

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Elena encourages you to rest, says that positivity and the ability to relax are necessary no less than knowledge of English.

“Be able to tell yourself “stop”, “relax”,” the author recommends.

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