Stories of people who have experienced several emigration

For what reason, having survived one emigration, a person can decide on a second, and, in some cases, a third? There are many stories of moving to relatives, future (or present) husband, scientific and pedagogical career, work in Silicon Valley under a contract or a "gifted visa." ForumDaily has collected 3 stories. ...

Fear of Change, Difficulty of English and Scammers: How to Deal with Major Immigration Threats

Work and business in the USA: how to recognize a scam, writes the author of the blog “The Truth about Life in the USA” on the Yandex.Zen portal. Elena Korshunova, a blogger from Odessa, lives and works in the USA. She shares her observations about American life and gives practical recommendations...

'I applied for fun, I'm writing from Boston': 11 stories about the green card lottery

There are still a few days left to apply for the green card lottery. Russian-speaking readers told Tinkoff about their experience of participating in the lottery: how many times they applied, whether they managed to get a green card, how much effort and time it took…

'Here the thirst for knowledge comes first': Uzbek talks about studying at American universities

A student from Uzbekistan, Zukhriddin Mansurov, is now 19 years old. He is the recipient of grants totaling $630 from two universities – Qatar and the UAE. In an interview with the Uzbek publication, ​​Zukhriddin gives advice to those young people who would like to study for…

Personal experience: how does medical cannabis work on your body?

Medical marijuana is used to treat or control the symptoms of certain diseases. The debate over the appropriateness of using cannabis is still ongoing. Scientists do not yet have a consensus on whether marijuana is more beneficial or harmful. About my experience with medical cannabis ...

Six main lessons I learned from living in America

Living in a foreign country is like accelerated training with daily exams. At first it is difficult, and then you yourself wonder how much I learned and understood in a relatively short time. Today I will tell you what I learned in America. 1.…

What a betrayal is for the Russian is a concern for the American: an instructive story of the clash of mentalities

What is concern for an American is betrayal for a Russian. The consequences of this concern are devastating. Therefore, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, writes the author of the channel Masha Amerishka on Yandex.Zen. Next - from the first person. Our friends, emigrants...

No longer a tourist: 4 valuable advice for moving to another country

It is impossible to prepare 100% for such radical changes in life. But you can make it easier for yourself to adapt to a new country. Vesta Zvezdochkina, who moved abroad several years ago, told Lifehacker about her experience. When three years ago I received...

Five things you get tired of in America

After my big American trip, I want to write about my impressions about what gets tired in the States, what you get tired of, and what is lacking overseas. 5. A Thousand Times How are you? in just one day It would seem how you can complain ...

Why in the USA they put out unnecessary things and what can be found among them: the experience of an immigrant

In America there is such a tradition: once a year, take all unnecessary things out of the house directly onto the street and display them next to your house, writes the author of the ANTIQUE channel on Yandex.Zen. Absolutely anyone can take these things, in most cases, everyone...

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