Suspicious individuals, Americans and the police: what strikes ours in the USA - ForumDaily
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Suspicious individuals, Americans and the police: what strikes ours in the USA

A string of neat little houses with low white fences. The proud palms slightly cut the horizon. We are in a small California town, visiting the family of our friend American Jim.

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Morning walk. Attention immediately attracted two guys, years 18-20.

Tall, a little stooped. Both in baggy old jeans and huge t-shirts. They walk slowly, as if walking. However, intuition feels something is amiss, strange.

I take a closer look. The first one's brown eyes seem to be probing the situation - they carefully slide over the windows of those same houses, then indifferently move to the palm trees. The second one walks more slowly, sometimes looking around tenaciously. Yes, they definitely don't look like carefree tourists.

Noticing my gaze, they immediately begin to chat about something. And soon they completely disappear around the bend.

In the evening I tell Jim.

“Why didn't you call the police?” He asks in amazement and a little stern.

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My amazement is also not long in coming: “But I didn’t see them getting into someone’s house!”

"So what? - Jim is adamant. “They looked suspicious.” And this is an occasion to call the police! ”

I presented this very picture. A white and black car rushes with screaming sirens, and it brakes sharply. A policeman runs out: "What happened, miss ?!"

And I am like this: “Well, these guys seemed suspicious to me!”

Somehow unconvincing.

"In terms of? - Jim's eyes are already huge with surprise. - This is absolutely normal. It’s better to warn than to look for thieves later. ”

“And how would they warn you?” - I ask.

“The policeman would ask them for documents, the purpose of being here. And if they are really up to something bad, then after that they will think about it. At a minimum, there are more risks to operating in this area!” - says Jim.

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Everything is logical. But I still have a slight shock. Just take it and call the police if someone seemed suspicious? And I won’t get anything for it?

“No, why? You have been vigilant, the police must check the situation! But can it be any different? ”Jim wonders.

Original column published on the blog. Dumb America on Yandex.Zen.

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