One in a million: a black bear with white fur was spotted in Michigan - ForumDaily
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One in a million: a black bear with white fur was spotted in Michigan

A unique white-furred black bear known as the "ghost bear" was spotted in Michigan but killed shortly after. Writes about it Indy100.

Photo: IStock

Sadly, the one-in-a-million bear was killed by wolves after Facebook group Yooper Outdoors #6 posted pictures of the animal on Sept. 906.

“In Utah, a white black bear was caught on camera. This happens extremely rarely, ”the publication says.

This group and a Michigan guide service reported that this species of black bear was found dead after being spotted by wolves in early September.

"Wolves have devastated Utah's big game population," Yooper Outdoors #906 wrote in another Facebook post.

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First, the clubfoot was recorded by a surveillance camera in the western part of the Michigan Peninsula.

He dug into the bait planted there by the hunter.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is almost "sure" that the bear has a white coat.

"It's just interesting to see an animal like this show up here and not somewhere else," said Cody Norton, DNR large carnivore specialist.

According to him, he had seen bears and other colors of fur, including cinnamon, chocolate and light, which is typical for bear populations.

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“White is a separate issue,” he said.

Norton explained that this bear rarely appears in such a large region, home to 80% of the bears in the state (about 10).

The bear was about two years old and is most likely the rare result of mixing two bears with a recessive white fur gene.

Sources said this usually occurs exclusively in western Canada, where Kermode bears, which are a subspecies of the American black bear, live in the province.

Only up to 20% of the population of all bears have white fur.

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