Pentagon officially publishes UFO videos and confirms their authenticity - ForumDaily
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Pentagon officially publishes UFO videos and confirms their authenticity

The Pentagon has officially released three short videos previously released by a private company showing “unidentified aerial phenomena,” writes CNN.

Photo: Shutterstock

The videos show what seems like an unidentified flying object moving fast while recording with infrared cameras. The two videos also feature the voices of the military, who react with admiration to how fast the objects move. One vote suggests it could be a drone. Press release и videos appeared on the official website of the Pentagon.

US Navy acknowledged the veracity of the video in September last year. Authorities have officially released the video now, “to clarify any public misconceptions about whether the footage was real or if there was anything else on the video,” according to Pentagon spokesman Sue Guof.

“After careful review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems,” Gough said in a statement, “and does not impede any subsequent investigations into military incursions into airspace by unidentified aerial phenomena.”

Currently, the Navy has official recommendations on how its pilots can communicate their assumptions about what they saw possible UFOs.

On the subject: 'This is what': US Navy pilots talked about encounters with UFOs

Video was first released for viewing between December 2017 and March 2018 by The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, co-founded by former Blink-182 musician Tom DeLonge. He claims to be studying information about unidentified phenomena in the air.

In 2017, one of the pilots who saw one of the unidentified objects in 2004 told CNN that he was moving in ways that the pilot could not explain.

“As I approached it ... it quickly accelerated south and disappeared in less than two seconds,” said retired US Navy pilot David Fravor. — It was very cool, like a ping-pong ball bouncing off the wall. He could have hit and gone the other way.”

The Pentagon previously studied airborne collisions with unknown objects as part of a recently closed secret program that was launched at the behest of former Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. According to Pentagon officials, the program was launched in 2007 and ended in 2012 because, according to the authorities, there are higher priorities that require funding.

However, Luis Elizondo, the former head of the secret program, told CNN in 2017 that he personally believes that "there is very strong evidence that we may not be alone."

“These aircraft — we'll call them airplanes — exhibit characteristics that are not currently in the U.S. stockpile or in any foreign stockpile that we know of,” Elizondo said of the objects they examined. He says he resigned from the Defense Department in 2017 to protest the program's secrecy and internal opposition to its funding.

The other day, Reid tweeted that he was “glad” that the Pentagon had officially posted the video, but “it only slightly scratches the surface of research and available materials. The US should seriously and scientifically look at this and any potential consequences for national security. ”

On the subject: 'More than we expected': a growing number of pilots claiming to have encountered UFOs

And some members of Congress are still interested in this matter, as senators received a secret briefing from Navy officials about unidentified aircraft last summer.

“If pilots anywhere are reporting flight hazards that interfere with training or put them at risk, then Senator Warner wants answers. Whether it's weather probes or little green men or anything else, we can't ask our pilots to unnecessarily put their lives at risk,” Rachel Cohen, a spokeswoman for Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner, told CNN at the time.

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