How to quickly clear the windshield of ice: winter life hack conquered Internet users - ForumDaily
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How to quickly clear the windshield of ice: winter life hack conquered Internet users

Winter is here, and with it comes snow, ice, and those dreadful extra minutes of your morning routine as you battle every driver's mortal enemy in cold weather: a frozen windshield. New York Post.

Photo: IStock

December 13 giant winter storm brought severe weather to the central US. Tornadoes, snowfalls and severe weather are making adjustments in the lives of Americans. People on the Internet share their experience on how to effectively deal with ice on car windows in order to save a little more time on other things.

One user's video went viral. In it, the author showed how to instantly get rid of icing on the windshield on frosty days.

The video has already received almost 2 million views. TikTok user @tristanwalton13 showed off his "2-second" time-saving trick. He stuck a piece of cardboard to the windshield the night before a snow or ice storm, then ripped the cardboard off the next day to reveal a completely clean glass surface.

@tristanwalton13 Quick de ice trick thank me later #cold#winter #christmas #fyp ♬ original sound — Tristan Walton

“Thank me later,” Walton, a UK contractor, told his followers.

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One British company, Munster Tires, recommends a simple solution to its customers, suggesting that they use not only cardboard, but also a fabric or rubber bath mat. The only caveat is that the surface must be dry, otherwise it may stick to the windshield.

If you forget to cover your car the night before the storm, there are a number of quick fixes currently circulating on social media.

TikTok user Driving Test Success wowed some viewers with his recommendation to turn the defroster and heated windshield on full blast. You can comfortably sit in the car and watch the ice melt.

@drivingtestsuccess HOW TO:?? Defrost your windscreen ?❄️ #drivingtips #learnerdriver #hacks #fyp #foryoupage ♬ Funk It Up - Official Sound Studio

Some commentators disputed the decision, while others lined up to agree - even offering their own version of the expert board.

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"Heat your windshield even faster by lowering the visor to keep the heat in," Ohio's Denver said.

Another time saving tip? Search your pantry. The experts said that rubbing chopped onions or potatoes all over the window would easily break the ice layer. A solution using table salt and water in a spray bottle can also work wonders.

“This will dissolve the ice through a chemical reaction, not through heat. The ions in the salt lower the freezing point of water, making it harder for it to freeze again.

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However, there are some ways that drivers should avoid.

“Each year, it is almost guaranteed that drivers will use their credit card or an old CD to clear snow from their cars, but this can lead to permanent glass damage,” experts said.

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