Jewish federations of North America organized the celebration of Hanukkah for immigrants from Ukraine - ForumDaily
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Jewish federations of North America organized the celebration of Hanukkah for immigrants from Ukraine

On December 19, at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, in the presence of Polish President Andrzej Duda, a ceremony of lighting Hanukkah candles will be held, in which immigrants from Ukraine living in Poland will take part. Singer and musician Yuri Vedenyapin, Yiddish teacher at McGill University, Montreal, will perform at the ceremony.

Yuri Vedenyapin speaks to Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw. Photo: Press Service of the Jewish Federations of North America

Vedenyapin stays in Europe as part of a volunteer mission Jewish Federations of North America. Each of the eight evenings of Hanukkah, he will speak to Ukrainian settlers and Polish Jews in Warsaw, Krakow, Lublin, Gdansk and other cities. The concerts are organized by Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich.

This is the second volunteer mission of Vedenyapin. In September this year, he visited Warsaw during the Rosh Hashanah holiday and gave several concerts for immigrants from Ukraine living in the capital of Poland.

Since March 2022 Jewish Federations of North America trained and sent to the countries of Eastern Europe more than 100 volunteers to help Ukrainian temporarily displaced persons. Volunteers, immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, live in 17 US states and 4 Canadian provinces.

To date, volunteers Jewish federations work with migrants in Poland, the Czech Republic, Spain and Moldova in cooperation with local Jewish communities and international humanitarian organizations.

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