Volunteers of the Jewish Federations of North America will help Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, Spain and the Czech Republic - ForumDaily
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Volunteers of the Jewish Federations of North America will help Ukrainian refugees in Moldova, Spain and the Czech Republic

Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) for the first time, Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking volunteers will be sent to Moldova, Spain and the Czech Republic to work with refugees from Ukraine. In Poland and Hungary, volunteers of the Jewish Federations have been working since March of this year. Volunteering is being expanded in response to requests from partner organizations to help refugees from Ukraine in these countries—Jews and non-Jews.

Photo: Jewish Federations of North America

In Moldova and the Czech Republic, volunteers who are specialists in the field of education and psychological assistance will work in collaboration with Early Starters International, an Israeli NGO specializing in working with children in assistance centers for Ukrainian refugees. In Spain, volunteers will help the progressive Jewish community Comunidad Judia Bet Shalom in Barcelona conduct classes on Jewish education for Jewish refugees from Ukraine.

Since the launch of the volunteer program, run in partnership with the Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) and the Jewish Agency for Israel (Sohnut), Jewish Federations of North America trained and sent more than 100 Russian-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking specialists. Volunteers, all of whom are from the former USSR, were recruited from 17 states of America and 4 provinces of Canada.

On the subject: Jewish federations of North America provided additional assistance to Ukrainian Jews and repatriates from Russia

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine Jewish federations collected more than $80 million. These funds were used to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees and Jews in Ukraine. In addition to this, the Jewish Federations, in cooperation with the Shapiro Foundation (Boston), launched 2 grant programs to help immigrants from Ukraine to the United States.

“The Jewish community has always been and will continue to be at the forefront of lending a helping hand to both Jews and non-Jews in dire need of support,” said President and CEO Jewish Federations of North America Eric Fingerhut. “The way our communities have responded to the call to help Ukrainians affected by the war, whether through charity, helping displaced people, or volunteering in Eastern European countries, reflects the Jewish values ​​that guide us.”

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