Black Friday is coming: how to avoid becoming a victim of scams when shopping online - ForumDaily
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Black Friday Is Coming: How To Avoid Scams When Shopping Online

As online shoppers have increased this year due to COVID-19, cybercriminals are launching new scams ahead of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. Threat Post.

Photo: Shutterstock

The number of online holiday shoppers is expected to skyrocket this year due to the pandemic—and thus, there will be more scams, phishing attacks and other malicious activity.

The risk of coronavirus infection is forcing consumers to shop from the comfort of their homes. A recent study found that 62% of consumers now shop more online than before COVID-19. From the perspective of cybercriminals, the skyrocketing number of online shoppers is driving an increase in potential victims.

Hackers are looking to cash in on the best trading days in the US - Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday - as well as other holidays and dates such as Singles' Day, which recently took place in China.

“Retailers have also been hit hard by the pandemic and are likely to send out even more emails showcasing their discounts and offers, which could be faked by scammers and deceive consumers,” said Tony Pepper, CEO of Egress. “It can be difficult for people looking for a good deal to distinguish between a barrage of legitimate emails and phishing attacks trying to steal their data.”

Last year, researchers said social media scams and domain spoofing were among the biggest attacks during holiday shopping season. These attacks were aimed either at stealing credentials or payment data from unsuspecting buyers, or at spreading malware into their systems. This year, researchers say phishing attacks will continue to be the top threat during the holiday season.

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These types of attacks are becoming more convincing and harder to detect. Attackers are using sophisticated tactics, including visual captchas to target Office 365 users and token-based authentication methods.

Authorities around the world are already warning of fraud ahead of the holidays. For example, the "fake refund" phone scam, in which attackers impersonate a customer service representative of various brands to inform customers that a recently ordered item is out of stock and promise refunds if people pass on their bank account details. According to the BBC, such a scam recently cost one woman $ 30.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) ​​also warned of scammers taking advantage of virtual holiday events like holiday markets and fairs by creating fake mock events that charge admission fees and steal victims' credit card information.

“Another variation of this scam: Some virtual holiday markets have websites or social media pages where vendors can post photos of their products and links to their websites,” the BBB says. - Be careful! Some consumers reported to the BBB that they clicked on the links provided, thinking they led to an online store. Instead, the sites uploaded malware.”

Egress's Tony Pepper said consumers should always carefully check the sender's email and hover over links before clicking.

"If you're still unsure, you can always contact the seller through their website to make sure the email you received is genuine," Pepper said. “There are also many online resources that can provide additional information, including many from government organizations.”

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Six ways to protect yourself from scammers

By observing some precautions, it is quite possible to avoid the fate of a victim of scammers. Here's a checklist of signs to watch out for scammers and basic tips on how to protect yourself and enjoy discounts during one of the most popular events of the year.

  1. Never click on a suspicious link - Scammers may direct you to emails with advertising links that appear to be from a legitimate seller. This is an attempt to get your attention and get you to click on a link that contains malware. If the links seem suspicious to you or you are not sure about the source of the email, do not open them. It's best to go straight to the seller's website to check the deal.
  2. Beware of phishing emails - Phishing emails look like they were sent by a legitimate company, such as your bank or a retailer you often shop with. They will ask you to confirm your details - you cannot do this.
  3. Make sure the site is secure. The key rule when shopping online is to ensure that you are on an encrypted page, which means you must ensure that the page's URL begins with "https". If you don't see it, the site you are on may not be legal.
  4. Avoid shopping on public Wi-Fi - Cybercriminals know how to gain access to the information you send. So it's better to use your mobile data to make sure your financial information is safe than to log onto public Wi-Fi to shop.
  5. Use a credit card or shop with Apple Pay or Android Pay — Credit cards provide consumer protection if something goes wrong with a purchase. Mobile payment solutions like Apple and Android Pay are also good to use as they combine biometrics with other digital security to keep your data safe.
  6. Use strong passwords for online stores... Strong and secure passwords are essential to protect your identity and online accounts from hackers.

These security measures are relevant throughout the year, but it's important to put them into practice during the holiday shopping season, when cybercriminals intensify their attempts to steal your online credentials or infect your system with malware.

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