Mobility as a lifestyle: why Americans love 'home on wheels' - ForumDaily
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Mobility as a lifestyle: why Americans love mobile homes

Even taking into account the cost of the car, a family can save up to 60% of their vacation money if they use the trailer.

Фото: Depositphotos

“When I retire, I’ll buy myself a trailer with all the amenities and live on the beach,” my 30-something-year-old colleague shared his “American dream.”

As a child, I remember the neighbor’s old taxidermy trailer collecting dust for several years on the sidewalk right in front of our driveway. Either a ball or a badminton shuttlecock constantly flew into captivity of this monster, that is, on its roof. The brave ones had to climb and save the “prisoners.”

From then on, the idea of ​​spending even one night in a trailer seemed terrible to me. I was convinced that they were all the same dirty old wrecks, where it was uncomfortable and stinking.

But six months ago, my idea of ​​trailers changed dramatically. While filming a festival in the mountains of the Shenandoah Valley, my colleague and I were amazed at the number of trailers and so-called “fifth wheels” we saw there. Why not try to make a story about it, we decided, and we went for a walk around the campsite with a camera, getting to know the owners of these wonderful cars.

The first to enter our country house on wheels was Mary DeGir Romagnoli, a member of the country group, who rehearsed the song.

She purchased her recreational vehicle - in English RV, that is, recreational vehicle - only a year ago and is very pleased. He says that such a compact trailer contains everything necessary for life.

“This is a bedroom, I hung curtains to add privacy,” she gave us a tour. — Here is my small kitchen, enough space for two. This is where we cook. Here is a microwave, a refrigerator. They're small, powered by mains electricity, a propane tank, or a battery, so you can use a variety of power sources."

I could not hide my surprise. All neat, comfortable. Compact kitchen, toilet, shower. There is everything you need for a comfortable stay. And, frankly, much cleaner than most expensive American hotels in which I had to stay.

Фото: Depositphotos

Such mobile homes are one of the typical features of American culture. Mobility is their main advantage. This is an opportunity to go out into nature without having to drag tents, and also save on hotels.

Romanoli says that her car is a lightweight model, “weighs only a ton of three hundred kilograms, it can be attached to a passenger car.”

“I’m a musician, I constantly go to festivals, sometimes as a visitor, sometimes as a performer with my band, and this way you can live in comfort, because I’m already tired of living in tents.”

Such freedom of movement acquired special significance in the thirties of the last century, when the production of mobile homes acquired mass character. Today, approximately 9 million American families have in their garages.

Mobile homes allow you to travel, whenever you please, in the comfort of your own home, and save money. Even with the cost of the car, a family of four can save up to sixty percent of the funds that go on traditional vacation.

Фото: Depositphotos

There are two types of motorhomes: trailers, or so-called caravans, which must be attached to your car. This is what the Americans call the fifth wheel. Another type - campers - are full-fledged vehicles with engines, from the outside they look more like buses. Sizes also come in a variety of sizes.

Julie Bond showed us her mobile home - with an oven, a two-door refrigerator, running water, and room for beds for an entire family of 8. She says, “This is our place. We don't have to worry about motel rooms being clean, and tents with air mattresses are not an option for us."

Bond came to Shenandoah with her family and her husband's relatives. Her mother-in-law, Janet Breeden, says, “We take the fifth wheel with us wherever we go, to the beach, or wherever, because this is our home. It’s clean, we know what we have, we take our own food, it’s very convenient.”

Traveling is possible not only in the warm season. Thanks to the internal air conditioning system, heating and even a small fireplace, such a “motorized house” can be a great place to stay at a ski resort.

“When you have your own camper, it’s cheaper - you can drive every weekend. We live an hour away from here, and we just went out of town,” Bond says.

Get behind the wheel of such cars in the United States can anyone, special rights are not necessary. However, due to the large “blind spots” and the impossibility of reversing, drivers should not lose their vigilance.

The drivers explain: “It’s like driving a car, only a very big one, you have to be very careful. If you're not paying attention, you won't be able to stop as quickly as you can in a car."

Prices for new mobile homes range from ten thousand dollars to half a million. They can also be rented - from $50 per day.

The original column is published on the website. Ukrainian service "Voices of America".

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