How to drive America half for 6 dollars - ForumDaily
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How to drive half of America for 6 dollars

The USA is a country created by machines, about cars and for cars. For example, in Oklahoma we lived in an area where even the sidewalk isn’t to residential buildings - everyone drives a car. Traveling by train is expensive, buses won't reach the most beautiful places, and you can easily and simply feel yourself as a hero of numerous roadmovies and get to know America for yourself without mourning your bills at the rental office. About how to do this, tell the authors of the project #hellofriend Travel through life.


Otherwise it is called car relocation services. In other words, someone has a car, but for some reason or other it is far from home. Someone has to overtake her - and this is a chance for you to save money on renting a car in the USA by becoming a temporary driver in a car distillation company.

Why do it?

What is convenient relocation services?

You get a car for free and the first full tank of gas.

What is uncomfortable?

You will have a specified number of days and miles. Reasonable, but not hard to turn aside. Here is broker one of the largest offices.

To become a driver, you need:

  1. Be older than 23 years;
  2. Have a driver's license (we had both Russian and international, but it is possible and only Russian, while the visa is valid);
  3. Have a refundable deposit in 500 $ (350 $ is indicated on the site, but we were charged more, as with foreigners);
  4. Most importantly - MVR or motor vehicle report or in simple words, a certificate from the insurance that you have not had an accident over the past three years. For US citizens, they form from their system, and friends from Orenburg wrote us such a letter in two accounts and sent them to the USA in advance, for which they thank you so much!

If everything you need is there, then you just look at the available machines.

Choose the office that is closest to you and the direction that suits you best, contact the office and go ahead!

We needed a car to the West in any direction to leave the east coast. In the nearest office in Pennsylvania, there was a car to Oklahoma. We sent preliminary documents to the office e-mail, called them, and approved us.

The paperwork took about an hour, but even then, the guy was just chatty.

We were given 5 days for 2500 km and an error in miles of 10%.

Attention, experts! Build a route, avoiding toll roads, and specify this distance in the contract. For every extra mile, you can get 25 cents.


Then everything, like in the movies, you drive along almost perfect American roads, everywhere you will have to wait for recreation areas, parking lots Walmart for sleeping, clean toilets, big stores, thousands of fast food eateries, convenient refueling, millions of signs on the roads, even for the harshest, hitchhikers at junctions and other joys of western roads.

We returned the car to the owner exactly on time. Acne was not too lazy and spent an hour trying to make her shine. He was so carried away that a passing woman asked encouragingly: “You probably love your Mazda very much?”

The owner of the car was so delighted that she left some twenty for Vitalik for dinner. Then another. And then another. And if we consider that we spent 66 bucks on gasoline, we can assume that the road to Oklahoma came out at a cost of six dollars.


After the car is delivered, you need to come to the nearest office with the contract and get a deposit. They wrote us a bank check, which we cashed later. Everything is very easy and simple.

If you set a goal, then using such services you can cheaply and conveniently drive through all the States. We found offers for moving RV mobile homes for 1 dollars per day!

All in your hands, travel, friends, of course!

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