12 days of unprecedented discounts: Best Buy launched a holiday sale - ForumDaily
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12 days of unprecedented discounts: Best Buy launched a holiday sale

Electronics retailer Best Buy has announced that it will launch “9 days of discounts” from 20 to 12 on December. Every day he will publish new offers at the guaranteed lowest prices of the season for technology brands such as Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Google and others. Writes about this USA Today.

Фото: Depositphotos

Each of the offers will be available only on the day of the discount, and the product will be available both in the store and online.

“We know how difficult it is to find a good gift at a good price,” said Best Buy spokesman Keegan Shotz. “We make it easier for our customers by not only helping them find the best gift, but also giving them peace of mind that it's the lowest price of the season.”

Each day will be themed, and December 14 is expected to be one of the most anticipated days with discounts on Apple products.

Theme of every day:

  • 9 December: gifts for the family
  • 12 DECEMBER: Gourmet Gifts
  • 13 December: gifts for gamers
  • 14 December: Gifts for Apple Lovers
  • 16 December: gifts for technology lovers
  • 17 DECEMBER: gifts for the home
  • December 18: gifts worth up to 100 dollars
  • 19 DECEMBER: Christmas Gifts

First day of discounts

A list of items and daily sales prices is not available, but Best Buy shared some of the offers available for the first day, which is described as “Gifts for the Family”.

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Samsung 55-inch class Smart 4K UHD TV with HDR for $ 329,99, saving $ 50.

Samsung 9,6-inch Galaxy Tab E, 16 GB, $ 99,99 instead of $ 199,99.

Harman Kardon 330 Watts Soundbar with 8 inch wireless subwoofer for $ 479,99, saving $ 320

Samsung 9W Q-certified Quick Charge Stand for iPhone / Android for $ 29,99, saving $ 30.

How to get a discount notice

Best Buy offers its customers the option to receive text notifications when each day's deals go live. You can sign up for alerts on individual days or choose to have an automatic alert for each day. To do this, you need to register on the retailers website - by link.

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