Favorable discounts: Apple's best deals on Black Friday 2019 - ForumDaily
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Favorable discounts: Apple's best deals on Black Friday 2019

Good discounts on Apple products are a rare find. But on Black Friday, everything is possible - Apple offers great discounts on some products, here everyone will definitely find everything they need at a good price. Writes about this New York Post.

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No matter what Apple product you are looking for, you will find an offer that fits your budget and needs. What does Apple offer on Black Friday 2019.


  • Bring your old iPhone and exchange it for a new one (with extra charge) and get a Walmart gift card for 450 dollars (valid on November 27). Offer valid on select iPhone models only.

Apple Watch

  • Apple Watch Series 3 for 129 dollars (usually 199 dollars) at Walmart (valid on November 27)
  • Apple Watch Series 5 40mm with GPS + Cellular for $ 449 (typically $ 499) at B&H (effective Nov 23)

On the subject: 10 Apple Secrets That Make People Ready To Get Crazy Loans For A New Model


  • IPad 7-th generation 10,2 ″ 32 GB with WiFi for 249 dollars (usually 329 dollars) in Walmart (valid November 27)
  • Best Buy members can save 150 or 200 dollars on iPad Pro at Best Buy (valid on November 29)


  • Save up to $ 400 on MacBook Pro 15.4 ″ models at B&H (Expires Nov 23)
  • Save up to $ 200 on MacBook Pro 13,3 "models at B&H (Valid Nov 23)
  • Save up to $ 150 on select MacBook Air 13.3 at B&H (Expires Nov 23)
  • Save up to $ 250 on iMac 27 ″ models at B&H (Expires Nov 23)
  • Save up to $ 700 on iMac 27 ″ models at B&H (Expires Nov 23)


  • Airpods with a charging case (latest model) for 129 dollars (usually 159 dollars) at Walmart (valid on November 27)
  • Beats by Dre urBeats3 $ 44,95 (typically $ 69,95) in-ear headphones at B&H. Available in multiple colors (valid through Nov 23)
  • Beats by Dre Solo3 Wireless In-Ear Headphones for $ 179,95 (typically $ 299,95) at B&H. Available in multiple colors (Expires Nov 23)

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