How much will Thanksgiving dinner cost in 2023 - ForumDaily
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How much will Thanksgiving dinner cost in 2023?

Thanksgiving is so close that we can practically smell it: a perfectly roasted turkey, all those delicious sides, and at least a slice or two of pumpkin pie. But, of course, you need to carefully prepare for a big holiday. There's a lot to do in the lead up to the big day, so if you haven't started planning your Thanksgiving menu yet, you might want to do it soon. How much will the gala dinner cost this year, the publication said The pioneer woman.

Photo: IStock

But before you start to worry, we have some good news for you. Firstly, you still have time to prepare for everything. Second, the cost of Thanksgiving dinner should be lower in 2023. With nationwide concerns about inflation and rising food prices, this is news we can all be grateful for.

According to CNN and the Wells Fargo Agri-Food Institute, the cost of a 10-15 pound (4,5-6,8 kg) turkey in October is down 13% from a year ago, and fresh cranberries are about 20% cheaper. than last year. However, before adding to your Thanksgiving shopping list, it's worth noting that canned foods like cranberry sauce (up 2023%), pumpkin puree (up 60%) and green beans (up 30%) will rise in price in 9.

On the subject: Target sells family Thanksgiving meals for $25

With such a mixed bag of food news, it can seem difficult to predict how much you'll spend. This is where Walmart comes in! The company announced that it is slashing prices on top holiday food items from November 1 to December 26 to ease holiday spending pressures. What's even better? The company offers a handy holiday meal calculator to help you budget for Thanksgiving.

The process is very simple. First go to "Holiday Dishes" page, choose Quick & Easy for packaged foods like boxed stuffing, or From Scratch for fresh foods like cranberries. Then select the number of servings and add all products to your cart. There's even a recipe section if you need menu planning inspiration. The program will show you the total amount and the cost per person, so you know exactly how much you'll spend.

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The average meal for a family will cost $65,44, and a turkey will cost about $13 (98 cents per pound).

If you're on a budget, simply add or subtract items based on your target price. What’s even cooler is that you can pay for your order in advance and receive it in the store. Everything is very simple. This means that along with lower prices, you also reduce stress levels. Which is even more reason to be grateful this holiday season. Of course, if this is not necessary, you don’t have to use a calculator. You'll save money either way, so the choice is yours. Remember, Walmart is closed on Thanksgiving Day, so shop early.

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