Heart-stopping views: 14 best Grand Canyon viewpoints - ForumDaily
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Heart-stopping views: 14 of the best viewpoints in the Grand Canyon

To experience the wonder of the Grand Canyon, all you have to do is find a vantage point, sit down and take a moment to enjoy what is in front of you. There are places where you can avoid the tourist crowds and get the most amazing view of the Grand Canyon. Travel Leisure.

Photo: IStock

Millions of years of geological history can be seen in the red rock bands that make up the Grand Canyon. In addition to providing a glimpse into Earth's long history, the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight - about 1,6 km deep, averaging 16 km wide, and almost 450 km long. It is the only place in the US listed as one of the Seven Wonders of Nature and is revered alongside such wonders as Mount Everest, the Great Barrier Reef and the Northern Lights.

The Grand Canyon is especially photogenic. At the moment when the rising or setting sun seems to set fire to the layered red rock, the most stunning photographs are obtained. Those who want to avoid the crowds can head to the quieter North Rim of the Grand Canyon or visit the South Rim in winter, when the snow-white layer of snow makes the canyon's red rock stand out.

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Mather Point, South Rim

Mather Pointis one of the most popular viewpoints in the park, and for good reason. It is located within walking distance of the South Rim visitor center and on a clear day you can see spaces over 50 km to the east and over 100 km to the west.

Yavapai Point, South Rim

The best thing about Yavapai Point is that if the weather isn't favourable, you can enjoy the views from Yavapai Geology Museum, which is located right on the edge of the canyon and has panoramic windows and a lot of geological information.

Bright Angel Point, North Rome

Bright Angel Point - the most popular observation deck on the North Rim. To get there you have to walk 400m on a paved path (which is quite steep). The reward is a beautiful view of the Bright Angel and Transept canyons, as well as the opportunity to be at an altitude of more than 300 m above the North Rim.

Redwall Bridge, North Rim

The Redwall Bridge Observation Deck is one of those little-visited places where it's easy to avoid the crowds and enjoy some privacy. The bridge can be reached by North Kaibab Trail (the least visited of the main inner canyon trails), it is a 9 km round trip with a vertical climb of 670 m. This hike is not the easiest, but the quiet views are worth it.

Hopi Point, South Rim

There are three ways to get to Hopi Point, which the national park's website claims is "the perfect place to watch the sunrise or sunset." In the summer, you can take the free park bus or hike the Rim Trail (4 km), while in the winter, you can drive down Hermit Road to get there. Regardless of how you get there, heed the park's advice and arrive early or stay until sunset so you can enjoy the spectacle of the sun kissing the canyon walls.

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Plateau Point, South Rim

If you are ready to challenge Plateau Point, which is located 10 km down the Bright Angel Trail, you will have the opportunity to enjoy views that most people will never see. Just be sure to schedule time to complete the return path, which is uphill.

Point Imperial, North Rim

Point Imperial - the highest point on the edge of the canyon and the northernmost border of the park. These two things make the views from Point Imperial especially breathtaking. You will see the eastern end of the Grand Canyon, as well as views of the Painted Desert.

Shoshone Point, South Rim

Given its location on the busy South Rim of the Grand Canyon, shoshone Point is surprisingly quiet. To get there, you only need to walk 1,5 km on a dirt road before the canyon opens up in front of you. From the edge, you can feel the full extent of the canyon, which falls at your feet.

Desert View, South Rim

desert view located near the eastern edge of the Grand Canyon along Desert View Drive, a scenic drive that leads from the Grand Canyon Village. From the small settlement of Desert View, hikers can admire the layered rocky walls of the canyon or take a look at Escalante and Cardenas Buttes, two prominent peaks.

Angel's Window, North Rim

Those who are focused on just looking at the canyon and sticking to well-trodden trails may miss out. Angel's Window, which is one of the most unique places in the park. To reach a natural arch with an inverted triangular window in the middle, follow the Cape Royal Trail and get to the top of the arch.

Ooh Ah Point, South Rim

With a name like Ooh Ah Point observation deck “Oh! Ah!”), expectations are always off the charts. The observation deck still provides the famous wide and open view of the canyon. To get to the point, take the South Kaibab Trail and follow the trail for just under 1,5 km. From there you can either continue on or return to the trailhead.

Toroweap Overlook, North Rim

Toroweap Overlook located in Tuwip, the ancestral home of the Southern Paiute people. You'll need an exit permit in addition to your day pass or travel pass to enter the valley, but the extra effort is worth it to drive into the wide valley and enjoy a bird's eye view of the Colorado River.

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Powell Point, South Rim

The best time to go to Powell Point, - at dawn or sunset, when a wide space comes alive with color, when the sun falls on the rock. The point, which is located on the southern edge of the canyon, is easily accessible thanks to the shuttle.

The Abyss, South Rim

Part of what makes The Abyss so impressive - and the reason for its name - is that it has the longest vertical drop on South Rim at over 900m. To fully understand it, you have to see the cliff face, and it's a perfect example of how gravity plays a role in the shape of the walls canyon.

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