In Miami, a policeman fell for the desecration of the Torah. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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In Miami, a policeman fell for the desecration of the Torah. VIDEO

One of the Miami policemen demonstratively throws into the truck with garbage sacred Jewish texts, including the Torah, and a tablet with the Star of David depicted on it, accompanying all this with rudeness and taking pictures on camera.

Photo: WPLG Local 10 / YouTube frame

First, Sergeant Roberto Destefan threw into the back of the truck a wooden board engraved with the Star of David, an ancient Jewish symbol in the form of a six-pointed star, which is also depicted on the Israeli national flag. The tablet was followed by the book Tanakh - sacred texts including the Torah, the Jewish Holy Scripture, reports The Washington Post.

“This is s***, this is trash,” he said, throwing the book into the truck.

The video caught the eye of Miami Police Chief Jorge Colin, who suspended Destefan from work. The department called the officer's words "anti-Semitic and incompatible with the values ​​of the department."

“I would like to once again reassure our citizens of all religions that we stand in solidarity with them,” Colina said.

The Department did not respond to questions requiring further comments on the status of Destefan, and the officer himself was not able to get a comment. The local police union, Miami Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police, whose vice president is Destefan, called the video “heavily edited” an attempt to sabotage Destefan's candidacy before his re-election.

In February, the Anti-Defamation League reported that the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States increased by 60% in 2017 compared to the previous year.

According to the Miami Herald, there are about 630 Jews living in Florida, and most of them are in South Florida, where Miami is located.

The FOP Miami statement said that the video was taken many years ago during the cleaning of the organizational office, and all the items were covered with mold and termites.

The video “does not capture the full and complete conversation,” the statement said, although evidence of this was never provided. The group's lawyer, Robert Bushel, did not comment on the statement.

In a statement, the union said it had received an anonymous e-mail in which a video was inserted and a demand was made to exclude Destefan from the race for the organization’s vice president. The letter was also not shown publicly.

“While the video produced appears at first glance to be distasteful and insensitive, we believe that once the entire story is fully investigated, the sinister motive behind its creation will become apparent,” the statement said.

Lawyer John Kunill from Florida, who was one of the first to receive the video, said the video was not edited.

The Miami officers' online forum is literally filled with opinions about Destefan's speech. Anonymous users suggest that all competitors in the race, as well as Chef Colin and even city officials may be behind the release of this video.

True, there were those who disagree with this opinion.

“Regardless of how the lawyers twisted the story to defend this moron, this is another dark stain on both the department and the union,” added one anonymous commenter.

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