The main propagandist Putin found two villas in Italy - ForumDaily
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The main propagandist Putin found two villas in Italy

The anti-corruption fund Alexei Navalny has published another investigation about the foreign real estate of famous Russians. The presenter of this investigation was the TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, who had already attracted the attention of Navalny — FBK had previously been told about Villa Solovyov on Lake Como in Italy.

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“The information that TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov has a villa on the Italian Lake Como is not true. Because TV presenter Solovyov has TWO villas on the Italian Lake Como,” Navalny wrote in his blog on January 22.

As follows from the video published by the oppositionist, Solovyov’s second villa is located on a hilltop in the commune of Menaggio, 11 km from the famous TV presenter’s house. Judging by the published documents, Soloviev bought this house in July 2013, paying a little more than 1 million euros for it. In the purchase and sale agreement, Soloviev is called a “local resident” (domiciliato) and an artist by profession.

Also Navalny published other documents about the house Solovyov. It follows from them that the main villa with an area of ​​about 300 square meters without balcony and a veranda and a guest house with an area of ​​90 square meters are located on a site with an area of ​​37 acres. The main house houses the 14 premises, including five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, an entrance hall, a boiler room, and a storage room. The guest house has three rooms and two showers. Also on the estate built an outdoor pool.

At the end of the video, Navalny noted that Solovyov spends money not only abroad. So, in February, 2018, a TV presenter, bought a Maybach car worth about 15 million rubles. The car has already come to the attention of road cameras several times, which wrote out Solovyov for fines for violating traffic rules, and earlier on the purchase of Solovyov they congratulated the Russian representative office of Mercedes-Benz on Instagram.

Let us remind you that Solovyov hosts the television programs “Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” and “Duel” on the TV channel “Russia 1”. In addition, on weekdays he hosts the radio program “Full Contact” on Vesti FM together with Anna Shafran.

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