Social programs in the USA that pay for food, medical services, communications - ForumDaily
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Social programs in the USA that pay for food, medical services, communications

Millions of older Americans are eligible for assistance programs but may not be using them. These 7 programs will help you manage your living expenses as a senior, according to Money Talks.

Photo: IStock

According to the US Census Bureau, the poverty rate for Americans aged 65 and over increased from 8,9% in 2020 to 10,3% in 2021. This was the only age group in which there was a statistically significant increase over this period. Here are some programs that will help retirees in different areas of life.

1. Supplemental Food Assistance Program (SNAP)

What it does: SNAP program is the largest hunger relief program in the United States. This is a federal program, but it is implemented at the state level. It is designed to supplement the food budget of low-income families by helping those who face insecurity due to hunger to buy healthy food.

Who is it for: Generally, to qualify for SNAP, you must Meet requirements your state to income and property. There are special rules for those who are considered by the program to be elderly - that is, aged 60 and over. To qualify, you must apply through your state's SNAP office.

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The AARP estimates that 16 million adults age 50 and older who may be eligible for SNAP benefits do not receive them. This includes more than 3 million people who may be eligible for more than $200 per month in SNAP benefits.

2.Commodity Supplemental Food Program

What it does: USDAdirects food and administrative funds to member states and Indian tribal organizations. Then this food distributed among eligible individuals, and seniors may apply through their state.

Who is it for: designed for low-income seniors at least 60 years of age, supplementary nutrition program is designed to help participants supplement their diet. The food parcels being handed out contain nutritious foods that might otherwise be missing from the diets of older Americans.

3. Medicare Savings Programs

What it does: there are four different programs Medicare Savings Programs, each of which is carried out at the state level. Most help pay Medicare Part A or Part B premiums, but one also helps with Medicare deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments.

Who is it for: Generally, in order to qualify for any of the four programs, an applicant must have income and other financial resources below certain limits, which are listed on program web page Medicare Medicare Savings Programs. These limits increase every year, and some states have some exceptions to these limits. In fact, according to Kaiser Health News, more than 3 million seniors aged 65 and over are eligible for Medicare savings programs but have not enrolled.

4.Extra help

What it does: under the Medicare program Extra Help is designed to help eligible older adults pay for premiums, deductibles, co-insurance, and Medicare Part D copayments. Medicare Part D is the prescription drug component of Medicare. Older people who need help paying for their drugs can use the Extra Help program.

Who is it for: Extra Help is for seniors who meet income and resource thresholds. In general, if you have Medicare and qualify for full Medicaid coverage, get help from your state to cover Medicare Part B premiums, or get Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you are more likely to qualify for extra help. . Depending on the situation, you may qualify automatically. However, some eligible seniors may need to apply. If you do not receive additional assistance automatically, you can apply through Social Security Administration.

5. Low Income Home Energy Program (LIHEAP)

What it does: LIHEAP designed to help low-income families and the elderly with energy bills so they can stay warm in winter and cool in summer. Unsafe heating and cooling methods can cause health problems and LIHEAP is distributing funds that can be used to cover electricity bills through state and local programs.

Who is it for: this program is not just for seniors, but many low income seniors can benefit from it. Older people are particularly vulnerable to health problems resulting from overheating, and they also develop increased sensitivity to cold. Cold problems can be especially problematic for people with diabetes, which affects 15,9 million retirees.


What it does: telephone (including mobile) and broadband Internet access are becoming increasingly important in order to stay connected. Lifeline administered by the federal government in each state and designed to provide discounted services to low income consumers.

Who is it for: those who meet income requirements can apply to special suppliers to receive communication services at a discount. If you qualify for SNAP, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicaid, or certain other programs, you also qualify for Lifeline.

7. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

What it does: this federal program is administered by the Social Security Administration, but is not funded by Social Security taxes. Instead, she sends monthly payments using general tax revenue. The money is intended to help the poor and the disabled pay for basic needs. SSI program available to those on Social Security, although your Social Security benefits may affect how much you get from SSI.

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Who is it for: individuals aged 65 and over who meet the income and resource requirements may apply for SSI. It is also available to young people who are blind or disabled. These additional SSI payments can help you with living expenses if you are having difficulty. You can apply through Social Security Administration.

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