How to save on heating in the USA: a few simple but effective life hacks - ForumDaily
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How to save money on heating in the USA: some simple but effective life hacks

Winter is coming, and the financial situation in the US and the world does not look very good. There are strategies for installing a thermostat in the winter that will help you stay warm while still being able to pay your heating bills. What you need to know tells life hacker.

Photo: Shutterstock

You might be tempted to turn the thermostat on all the way in your home when it's cold outside, but doing this regularly throughout the season can lead to sky-high energy bills.

Energy-saving winter thermostat settings

For various reasons, people are comfortable at different temperatures in the room. Some people prefer to keep it cooler, then cover up with blankets and wear warm clothing. Others would prefer to wear shorts and T-shirts all winter, and the temperature in their home is more like a tropical climate.

But if you approach this issue strictly in terms of keeping heating costs low, Energy Saver, the US Department of Energy's consumer resource for energy conservation, offers several recommendations - starting with setting the thermostat to about 20 ° C during the day in winter, and a few degrees cooler at night or when you're not at home.

If 20 ° C sounds a little cold, there is a reason. According to Energy Saver, the smaller the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your electricity bill will be.

In winter, the lower the room temperature, the slower heat is lost. Thus, the longer your home stays at a lower temperature, the more energy you save, because your home has lost less energy than at a higher temperature.

Other tips for saving winter heating

In addition to your thermostat settings, here are some more tips from Energy Saver to help you stay warm this winter and lower your heating costs:

Clean and / or replace oven filters once a month or according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Keep vents / registers, baseboard heaters and radiators clean.

Make sure that vents / heat registers, baseboard heaters and radiators are not blocked by furniture, carpets or curtains.

Get your windows working, keep curtains / draperies and blinds on south facing windows open during the day (to let in sunlight) and closed at night to block out any drafts.

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And if keeping the thermostat at 20 ° C or below is not your idea of ​​comfort, remember that it is winter now and it's time to get out thick sweaters, sweatpants and blankets.

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