The United States tightened checks upon entry into the country
Anyone wishing to visit the United States may have to share their contacts in their mobile phone and provide passwords for their social network accounts, according to the new procedure developed by the Presidential Administration.
This measure can also be applied to the Allied countries, whose citizens can move around the United States without a visa. These include 38 countries, including the UK, Australia and France.
"If we have any doubts about the intentions of a person traveling to the United States, then he must convincingly and honestly prove to us that he has legitimate reasons for entering", quotes the adviser to the US national security minister, Gene Hamilton The Wall Street Journal.
According to preliminary data, the White House will force those who enter to answer questions about their ideology, provide social media passwords and financial documents.
Representatives of internal security said that more stringent conditions of entry would apply not only to potential refugees, but also to tourists and other potential immigrants.
The President's March order includes a section entitled "Implementing Common Screening and Integrity Standards for All Immigration Programs." The main purpose of which is to “identify individuals who seek to enter the United States on a fraudulent basis by supporting terrorism, violent extremism, or acts of violence against any group or class of people in the United States.”
According to employees of the American Civil Liberty Union, there are several ways that will help you save traveler data:
1. Store important information on a portable hard disk.
2. Leave a minimum of confidential information on your mobile devices.
3. Delete all information from devices, save it to disk using special programs, which later allow you to recover all data.
4. You can get rid of the SIM card, and get a new one in the country you are entering.
5. Leave all electronic devices at home.
Recall that trump's migration decree blocked For undefined period. A federal judge in Hawaii and extended his decision to block President Donald Trump’s decree on entry restrictions. Hawaii authorities say the decree is discriminatory against Muslims and is detrimental to the state’s economy, which depends on tourism.
Earlier in march watson Not allowed the federal government to suspend the issuance of new visas to citizens of Somalia, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Yemen, as well as to freeze the reception of refugees. His decision came just a few hours before the federal government was supposed to start execution Trump's decree.
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Trump changed the procedure for issuing US visas
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How an illegal immigrant can be legalized in the USA
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