Spend a day with a real astronaut: Florida space center offers an unusual tour - ForumDaily
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Spend a Day with a Real Astronaut: Florida Space Center Offers Extraordinary Tour

Many of us in childhood dreamed of becoming astronauts, and now there is an opportunity to almost fulfill our dream, albeit not for long. The edition told in more detail Time-out.

Photo: IStock

At the Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida, you can get up close and personal with an insider tour of the facilities led by a real veteran NASA astronaut. It is called "Flight with an Astronaut" and involves spending five hours with an astronaut friend who will help you explore the Kennedy Space Center as part of a small group of 43 people.

You will see the space shuttle Atlantis permanently located in the center, take a bus ride around the complex to see all the sights of this incredible object, including artifacts from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space missions.

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The tour includes lunch, as well as a trip to the Shuttle Launch Experience with an astronaut. The thrilling experience lets you feel the power of blasting into space at 17 miles (500 km) per hour.

You'll hear all about your astronaut's journey from the Florida Space Coast to the stars. And the astronaut will answer any questions, such as what space smells like.

Among other things, you will receive a special souvenir badge.

You are probably wondering how much it will cost. Note that not so expensive for all that you get. It's $206 for adults and $3 for kids ages 11 to 181. The price includes admission to the center.

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If you've been to the Kennedy Space Center before, now you have another reason to visit. Last summer, a new exhibition called "The Gate" opened, allowing you to walk among vehicles that have already been in space, explore extraterrestrial secrets and take a breathtaking "flight" at the KSC spaceport.

In addition, more than 80 rockets are planned to be launched this year from a truly special area in Florida. So plan your visit to see this extraordinary spectacle.

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