Personal experience: 'I left Russia as an old man, and came to the USA young and promising' - ForumDaily
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Personal experience: 'I left Russia as an old man, and came to the United States young and promising'

Why does an American citizen at 40 or 50 still consider himself young and make plans for the future, while a Russian is already “living his life”? Not all US residents can understand this fact. The author of the blog writes about this "Made in USA" on Yandex.Zen.

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Next - from the first person.

Aging is not only a physical process, but also a mental one. And each person approaches this at his own age. As a rule, the process of “fading away” begins for us after the so-called “midlife crisis,” when a person realizes that he has not achieved many of his goals, and we simply do not have the strength to change anything (although this is not the case). Add to this health problems, and you understand everything.

The story of one immigrant

Somehow we talked on Skype with a man who decided to leave for the USA at the age of 38. It should be noted that in his homeland he could not build a career, and indeed he did not work by profession. He also could not get a family, being forced to look after a sick mother for many years.

At the same time, the local environment began to literally give up on the man, believing that he would grow old as a failure. Why, he’s “not a boy anymore,” but he still doesn’t have a family. And he changes jobs every few years, without staying anywhere. And this despite the fact that the man did not complain about money, since he was enterprising from his youth.

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In general, when he quit again, he realized that there was nothing holding him here anymore, and he decided to leave for the USA. Six months later, we communicated with him on Skype, and he said that he actually left Russia with the rank of “old man.” But in the States everyone treated him as a young man who could safely choose his own path and follow it. And this, according to the man himself, did something wonderful to his self-esteem. It is not surprising that life began to quickly improve, including finding a soul mate.

Why is this happening

The following applies to both men and women. The former generally live shorter lives in Russia, but we begin to classify ladies as “old women” almost from the age of 30.

But in the States, this is not age at all, and often people up to thirty years old, or even longer, do not know what they want to do. At the same time, Americans are generally easy-going, and if something doesn’t work out for them in one place, then they immediately begin to act in another direction without regretting the lost time and adherence to principles a la “I’ll bang my head against the wall.”

It is worth adding to this that now in the United States they have begun to take much more care of their health, paying attention to proper nutrition and sports. Consequently, at 40, 50 and 60 years old, a person retains energy for new achievements. And he definitely doesn’t feel old. Moreover, society does not make him like that, not condemning him for not having a family or a successful career.

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