What social programs can New Yorkers count on?
The city administration of New York offers a wide range of social programs that city residents can apply for.
Help administration is offered in several areas, a full list of programs in Russian can be found at City Hall website.
We collected all the social programs in New York with a short description of their essence.
Freezing rents for senior citizens
The Senior Citizens Rental Growth Allowance (SCRIE) program helps senior citizens get a freeze in rental rates to prevent it from rising.
Freezing rents for disabled citizens
The program of subsidizing disabled citizens to compensate for the growth of rent (DRIE) guarantees that citizens who are unable to work can maintain the level of rent.
Housing program Section 8/ Self-Choosing Voucher Program (HCV) helps low- and middle-income families rent a house on the private market.
Inexpensive and free health insurance
Assistance in obtaining medical insurance. Under this program, you can get help when choosing a health insurance option and registering participation in a selected plan.
Providing long-term care services at home
The Home Care Services (HCSP) program provides care for the elderly and people with disabilities.
Services for people with HIV and AIDS
The Office of Services for People with HIV and AIDS (HASA) helps to get medical services and other social benefits to people living with HIV infection or people with AIDS.
Psychological help hotline (telephone, text messages and chat).
NYC Well provides free personal consultations (by phone, via text messages or live chat) for you or your family and friends.
Municipal ID
An IDNYC card is issued to all New Yorkers over the age of 14 and can often serve as an official identity card. Some categories of citizens can get it for free.
Cash and expenses
Funds to pay bills for heating and utilities
The program of assistance in paying the cost of electricity and heating housing (HEAP). According to it, you can get help in paying the cost of heating the house in the winter.
Cash payments in difficult situations
A cash benefit that can be used to pay for housing, utility bills and other emergency expenses.
Tax breaks for older homeowners
The Elderly Homeowner Tax Exemption Program (SCHE) provides an opportunity for older people to receive partial exemption from real estate taxes.
Tax breaks for disabled homeowners
The DHE program offers real estate tax cuts for disabled homeowners.
Unemployment benefits provide temporary income for workers who have lost their jobs.
Free Pre-K preschool for children of four years
Enroll your child in a free high-quality preschool program. Pre-kwhich is a full school day.
Special Needs
Paratransit Services for Persons with Disabilities
In the framework of the program Access-A-Ride (AAR) paratransit services are provided to persons with disabilities within all five districts of the city of New York.
Services for families with students with disabilities
Special Education Centers for Parents provides information and resources for families with students with disabilities.
Services for children with disabilities
Centers for Early Diagnosis of Child Development (ECDC) provide information and referrals for children with special needs.
Funds for the purchase of food
The SNAP program helps improve the nutrition of families with fresh and healthy foods.
By program Schoolfood New York City school students can get free breakfast and an inexpensive lunch every school day.
Healthy nutrition for the elderly
Under the CSFP, low-income elderly people get grocery bags with healthy foods.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides free healthy food, advice on healthy eating, breastfeeding support, and useful contact information for women, infants, and children (up to 5 years).
Free breakfasts and lunches in the summer months
Children can receive free breakfasts and lunches in the summer at hundreds of locations in the city of New York.
Increase welfare
The COMPASS NYC portal presents hundreds of different programs for children and adolescents from kindergarten to 12 grade.
Education and training programs for residents of municipal residential complexes.
Job Opportunities and Tips for Job Seekers
Selection of work that suits you.
Under the SYEP program, young people between the ages of 14 and 24 have paid work for up to six weeks during the summer months.
Preparing for college / high school
The school employment program helps secondary school students achieve academic success and at the same time prepare for college and the start of an independent career.
Vocational training and employment for the elderly
SES helps older people get training and find work.
Family Services
Confidential Family Planning Services
Free and confidential family planning services for teens, women and men.
Services for disabled adults in risk categories
The APS program helps adult at-risk patients to live safely in their homes and receive government benefits and services.
Help for victims of domestic violence
Services are available to victims of domestic violence, elder abuse and sexual exploitation in all areas.
Home Surveillance for Pregnant Women and Girls
Nurses provide support and provide medical care and counseling for women in their first pregnancy.
Child care program EarlyLearn NYC provides free or inexpensive child care.
Early Development Program for Children 3 – 4 years
Program (EarlyLearn NYC Head Start) provides 8-hour stay and developmental activities for children aged 3 – 4 years.
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