'We are always with you' - the leaders of the Jewish Federations of North America recorded a video message to Ukrainian and Russian Jews - ForumDaily
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'We are always with you' - leaders of the Jewish Federations of North America recorded a video message to Ukrainian and Russian Jews

“As Jews around the world light candles in memory of the wonder of the world and the resilience of our people, we think about Ukrainian Jews and the trials they have endured this year,” the president and chief executive said in the message. Jewish federations Eric Fingerhut. “Living under shelling, without electricity and water, losing loved ones, being separated from their families, uncertainty about the future – this is a real humanitarian crisis.”

Photo: Shutterstock

“Since the first day of the war, Jewish communities in North America have been actively helping our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, collecting donations, sending volunteers to help refugees in Europe and supporting the first steps of those who moved to Israel, the United States and Canada,” continued the chairman of the board. Jewish federations Julie Plath.

“Those of us who were born in the former USSR, like you and I, know firsthand how difficult this time has been for all of us, no matter what part of the former Soviet Union we are from or what language we speak at home,” she said. vice president Jewish federations Elana Broitman. “We want to tell the Jews in Ukraine and those of you who were forced to leave the country – we are always with you!” You are not alone".

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Eric Fingerhut also addressed Russian Jews: “We know that the life of Jews in Russia has also changed dramatically this year. Many had to make a very difficult choice: leave or stay. We will continue to support you and your communities as much as we can during this difficult time. And we will continue to help new immigrants, facilitating their first steps in Israel. This has always been and remains one of the main tasks of the Jewish Federations.”

“We wish all our Jewish sisters and brothers from the former countries. USSR, wherever you are today, so that the light of Hanukkah brings us all peace, security and hope for a better future. The Jewish Federation would like to wish you a Happy Hanukkah and a Happy New Year. We are one people, together we will develop communities in our hometowns and around the world,” the leaders of the organized Jewish community of North America wished Ukrainian Jews.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine Jewish federations raised more than $78 million in an emergency aid fund for Ukraine. These funds were directed to partner organizations: the Joint, Jewish Agency Sokhnut, World ORT, as well as 50 non-governmental organizations providing humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and neighboring countries. The funding covered urgent operational needs, temporary housing and transportation, security, humanitarian and medical assistance.

Jewish Federations of North America also trained and sent more than 100 volunteers to Eastern European countries to help Ukrainian refugees.

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