Who will compete with Trump in the election-2020 - ForumDaily
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Who will compete for Trump in the elections-2020

There are still two years before the US presidential election, yet the number of Democrats announcing plans to run is growing every day.

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Six senators have already entered the race, including Bernie Sanders, who already tried to be elected president in 2016.

In contrast, Hillary Clinton did not go to the polls for the second time. Abandoned the race and ex-mayor of New York, billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

“While there could be no greater honor for me than to serve as President, my highest duty as a citizen is to help my country in any way I can right now,” wrote Bloomberg on Twitter.

The billionaire admitted that he is more interested in “rolling up his sleeves” rather than talking about his ideas, knowing that the Democratic Party may not nominate him for president.

“I am confident that I could beat Trump in a general election,” Bloomberg said. “But I understand that it will be difficult to win the Democratic nomination with such competition.”

Democrat Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in 2016, also refused to participate in the elections.

“I’m not running, but I will continue to work, speak and advocate for what I believe in,” she said on News 12. Clinton is the first and so far only female presidential candidate in American politics from one of the two major political parties. parties in the United States, which reached the popular vote. She told News 12 she doesn't think she'll run for office again.

The last politician in US history who successfully elected to the presidency after losing an election was Richard Nixon. He lost to John F. Kennedy in 1960, but won the elections in 1968 and 1972.

“Clinton confirmed she will not run for president in 2020, withdrawing from a third bid for the White House. It's a pity, does this mean that I won't get to compete with her again? She will be greatly missed!” — President Donald Trump commented on Twitter about his former rival’s refusal to withdraw from the race.

Clinton responded by posting a GIF from the comedy “Mean Girls,” where the heroine asks the question, “Why are you so obsessed with me?”

14 Democratic candidates announced their plans to run for election. BBC briefly talks about the potential competitors of Donald Trump.

Bernie Sanders

Vermont Senator, former presidential candidate in the 2016 election of the year, calls himself democraticallyм socialistohm

Sanders in 2020 will be 79 years, and if he wins, he will be the oldest president in US history.

In 2016, he lost the Democratic Party primaries to Hillary Clinton, but since then he has repeatedly said that he will come forward again, and he kept his promise. He calls himself a democratic socialist and advocates universal health care and free higher education.

But Sanders may be a victim of his own success. He pushed the Democratic Party to the left three years ago and gained competition from former allies Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard. Unlike Clinton in 2016, they won't try to avoid attacking him.

Elizabeth Warren

Massachusetts Senator, Wall criticсTret, another socialist

Photos: YouTube video frame

Favorite progressive left, Warren in the Senate remembered promoting tighter regulation of the financial sector after the 2008 crisis. In the upper house of Congress, she grilled Wall Street executives at hearings and criticized income inequality. Warren's main challenge is expanding her base of supporters. Not all Americans like liberal professors from Massachusetts.

Tulsi Gabbarд

Congresswoman from the state of Hawaii, veteran wars in Iraqе

A native of American Samoa of Polynesian descent, she is the first congresswoman in history to profess Hinduism. She served in Iraq for two years, from 2004 to 2006, and in 2012 she stated that she had always been against the US invasion of this country. She also criticized the entry of American troops into Syria, calling it “an illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government.” In January 2017, she met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, for which she was criticized. A Democrat from the progressive camp, she supported Bernie Sanders in 2016. She criticized “homosexual extremists”, but then began to support same-sex marriage. She spoke out against abortion, and then for it.

Kamala harris

California Senator, Rising Star

Harris could become the new face of the Democrats. The daughter of immigrants (Jamaican father, Indian mother), the only black woman senator, consistently supported liberals in Congress. Moreover, with experience as the Attorney General of California. However, it is precisely this part of her career that Harris’ opponents may have questions about—she failed to reform the state’s criminal system.

Amy clobouchard

Minnesota Senator, Lawyer

Another former prosecutor showed calm professionalism during the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh to become a Supreme Court justice after he was accused of sexual misconduct. She positioned herself as a person capable of “resisting and not being contrary,” but she herself was accused of insulting her subordinates.

Cory Booker

Senator from New Jersey, a gifted speaker

If the presidential race were a contest of eloquence, he would win. Booker can energetically strut around the stage, imbuing every word with emotion. He has something of the magical charm of Barack Obama. Booker is an expert in fundraising and knows how to work with Wall Street donors, but his proximity to New York and big money arouses suspicion among left-wing Democrats.

Julian Castro

The man from the Obama team

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Barack Obama administration, former mayor of San Antonio, Texas. Not the most convincing speaker, does not hold an elected position, does not have enormous fame - unlike other contenders. On the plus side, he is of Mexican origin and is 44 years old. Democrats are trying to attract Latino voters and young voters.

Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator from New York, mother of two children, activist of the movement #MeToo

Promises to “fight for the rights of other children as bravely as for the rights of our own.” She has already angered Democrats by calling for the resignation of Senator Al Franken amid allegations of sexual harassment. Hillary Clinton's supporters were alienated by her criticism of Bill Clinton's behavior during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. By these actions she harmed herself, although she acted in accordance with her feminist rhetoric. She could benefit from the wave of voting for women in 2018, which now puts them in record numbers in the House of Representatives.

Pete Buttidzic

Mayor of South Bend, шtat indiana. Outdoor gay

Millennial candidate. Served in the navy. Veteran of the war in Afghanistan. He was first elected mayor when he was not yet 30. He leads a city with a population of less than 100 thousand people. He promises that his generation will be the first “who, materially, will not live better than our parents - if nothing changes.”

John delhery

The son of an electrician, entrepreneur, was a congressman from Maryland for six years.

Announced participation in the 2020 campaign of the year back in July of 2017. Calls for interparty cooperation Republicans and Democrats. Considering how much they are divided between themselves now, the tactic is not the most successful.

Marianne Williamson

Writer with millions subscribers on Twitter

The bestselling author and charity director is proud to have her books read by TV presenter Oprah Winfrey. She has a chance to implement her plan to “deeply study the issues that the United States faces as a nation” - if Oprah Winfrey herself does not go to the polls.

Эндрю Яng

Taiwanese entrepreneur

He announced his presidential ambitions back in November 2017. A technology businessman has proposed that the US government pay $1000 a month to all Americans between 18 and 64 years old as a basic income. This was supposed to be a “safety cushion” in the event of a reduction in the number of jobs due to automation. The success of his campaign depends on whether he can convince Democrats of the correctness of his ideas.

John Hickenlooper

Former Colorado Governor, Moderate Democrat

Calls himself “the antidote to Trump.” Coming from a business background, politics for him is “the art of the possible.” He considers his achievements in Colorado - tightening gun control, expanding health insurance, protecting gay rights - the result of cross-party cooperation between Democrats and Republicans.

Jay insley

Washington Governor, going through because ofand climate change

While still a congressman, he spoke a lot about the problems of global warming and the environment. He announced his presidential candidacy at a solar panel factory. He is fighting Trump’s policies in a single state - expanding health insurance, increasing the minimum wage, introducing paid sick leave.

Who has not yet decided

Some of the most talked about presidential candidates still keep their plans a secret.

Former US Vice President Joe Biden, who worked in the Obama administration, is still considering running for office. Of all the democrats, he is the most famous and could become a favorite race.

Former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke has not yet announced whether he will join the presidential campaign. O'Rourke spent a bright race for the seat of the senator from Texas, but lost to Republican Ted Cruz. The former rock musician was called the rising star of the Democratic Party, and analysts compared him to Kennedy, then to Obama.

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