Senator Elizabeth Warren Announces Plans to Advance in US Presidential Elections - ForumDaily
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Senator Elizabeth Warren Announces Plans to Advance in US Presidential Elections

Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren said she wants to nominate the Democratic Party candidate in the US presidential election 2020 of the year. About this she said Olga, December 31 in a video message to his supporters.

“While large insurance companies refuse to save lives, large banks rob clients and while large oil companies destroy this planet, politicians look the other way,” said Warren.

Also, the senator mentioned other points of her campaign: she believes that it is necessary to strive for economic equality and promote transparency policies for the government. “Corruption poisons our democracy,” she added.

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The US presidential election will be held on November 3 2020. The current head of state, Donald Trump, has announced plans to advance for a second term in 2017.

According to a CBS source, the billionaire and former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, is going to participate in the next election. The plans to nominate a candidate said and politician Jack Fellur, for whom the election campaign will be the eighth in a row.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren is one of the main leaders of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. In 2015, she entered the list of the most influential people according to Bloomberg at 19-th place. In the US presidential election 2016, she actively supported Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and criticized Trump.

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