Which companies make products for the Kirkland brand from Costco: you will be pleasantly surprised - ForumDaily
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Which companies make products for the Kirkland brand from Costco: you will be pleasantly surprised

Kirkland Signature is Costco's private label, which brought in almost $2021 billion in 60 for the trading giant, about a quarter of its sales in its last fiscal year. Who makes these products Fool.

Photo: IStock

Since its launch in 1995, Kirkland's range has expanded from 30 to 351 products. Named after the company's original headquarters in Washington State, Kirkland has become one of the most recognizable brands in the US.

While some are made exclusively for Costco and sold under the Kirkland Signature brand, many of the products are actually made by brand name manufacturers who also make their own branded versions of the same product.

These companies often agree to produce an exclusive version for Costco that meets its strict quality and price standards.

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The only difference is the clear black, red and white label and packaging and the lower price. In fact, prices are typically 20% lower than comparable brands, helping you stay within budget.

Manufacturers Kirkland Signature

Here are some of the nationally recognized brands behind Costco Kirkland Signature products.

Starbucks coffee: several Kirkland Signature coffees are roasted to order by the Starbucks Coffee Company. Specifically, they include Kirkland Signature Espresso Blend 2,5 lb coffee, House Blend Coffee decaffeinated coffee, and regular home coffee. The price per pound for Kirkland's Signature House Blend Coffee is $7,60. Costco also sells a 2,5-pound Starbucks French Roast Whole Bean Coffee for $10 a pound, so you can save some money by buying the brand name.

Diamond Naturals Dog Food: Kirkland Signature dog food is manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods, also known as Schell and Kampeter, Inc. Kirkland Signature Small Formula 20 lb Dog Food with Chicken and Vegetables is $34,99 or $1,75 per pound. By comparison, Diamond Naturals Small & Medium Breed Puppy Formula dry dog ​​food costs $2 per pound.

Jelly Belly Candies: Kirkland Signature Jelly Belly 64 oz. The Variety Pack costs $21,49, or $0,34 an ounce. By comparison, a 48-ounce container of Jelly Belly Assorted 50 Flavors Jelly Beans costs $41,49, or $0,86 per ounce, more than double the cost of the Costco brand.

Duracell Batteries: In an interview with WSB-TV in Atlanta in 2016, Costco CEO Craig Jelinek revealed that Duracell is a manufacturer of Kirkland Signature batteries. A pack of 48 Kirkland Signature AA alkaline batteries costs $16,49, or $0,34 per cell. Duracell AA batteries are sold on the Costco website for $0,53 per battery.

Chinet cups: 18oz Kirkland Signature Chinet 240 red plastic cups cost $14,49 or $0,06 per cup. By comparison, a 14-ounce 36-pack of Chinet's Crystal sells for $8,99, or $0,25 per cup.

Bumble Bee Tuna: Kirkland Signature's Albacore Hard White Tuna is produced by global seafood company Bumble Bee. Costco sells 7 ounces for $19,99, or $0,36 per ounce, while the equivalent Bumble Bee product can cost up to $0,49 per ounce.

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Huggie diapers: in a 2017 Wall Street Journal interview, Costco CFO Richard Galanti confirmed that Huggies maker Kimberly-Clark is the maker of Kirkland Signature diapers. Costco sells its diapers for $0,18 per diaper and Huggies for $0,24 per diaper.

Reynolds aluminum foil: New Zealand's Reynolds brand is proudly featured on Kirkland's packaging. The price per square foot for the Costco brand is $0,05, compared to Reynolds' price of $0,07.

High quality and low prices

There are dozens more Kirkland Signature products made by top national brands.

  • Green Mountain Coffee Keurig K-Cups.
  • Ocean Spray cranberry juice.
  • Perrigo infant formula.
  • Niagara bottled water.
  • Ito en green tea.
  • Kader Exports shrimp.
  • Alexander Murray scotch.
  • HK Anderson peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets.
  • Warren motor oil.
  • Isigny Ste-Mere Brie.

Many people assume that because it is their own brand, Kirkland Signature is of lower quality than its established competitor brands. In fact, many Kirkland products are just as good or better than big name brands in terms of quality and performance, but at a fraction of the cost. So the next time you shop at Costco, be sure to check out their own brands and see how much money you can save on your favorite products!

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