The results of "black Friday" in the United States: how much Americans spent and what they bought - ForumDaily
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Results of Black Friday in the USA: how much did Americans spend and what did they buy?


More than 150 million people in the United States spent the weekend for active doping. Such figures are the agency According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), traditional Friday sales are becoming increasingly popular on the Internet.

Black Friday is a traditional day of sales throughout the country, following Thanksgiving, one of the main family holidays in the United States. On the last Friday of November, retailers reduce prices from 25 to 80%. However, maximum discounts apply only to a limited number of products. This day, as Forum wrote earlier, became famous both for grandiose discounts and no less grand bursts and even fights.

It is not the first year that the largest chains of shopping centers begin sales already on Thanksgiving evening, some open the doors at midnight. At the same time a lot of special offers are available in online stores all weekend.

Mid November National Retail Federation of the United States reportedthat 136 is planning for millions of people to go shopping last weekend in November. However, according to the latest NRF data, this figure exceeded 151 million. 103 million people visited both malls and online stores. It is noted that more than 60% of purchases were made online, reports

Over the weekend, each person spent an average of 299,6 dollars. The most active people showed themselves at the age of 25-34 for years, having spent an average of 425,08 dollars per person. About 70% of these amounts went to the gifts.

Retailers' idea to start Black Friday at midnight turned out to be a good one. Almost half of those who decided to take advantage of special offers came to stores around midnight.

The greatest demand was caused by special offers on electronics and home appliances: TVs, computers and tablets, game consoles and programs. This year there is an increased demand for electronic watches, as well as medical and fitness bracelets.

Black Friday is also considered the unofficial start of preparations for the Christmas holidays. Immediately after Thanksgiving, decorated Christmas trees were displayed in shopping centers, and Christmas tree markets opened on the streets. The time for “hot” purchases does not end here. On the first Monday after Thanksgiving, sales go online. This year, the promotion, dubbed “Cyber ​​Monday,” falls on November 30th.

Previously, Forum wrote how to find in America real discounts and avoid huge queues.

In the U.S. queue goods Internet American economy fight shopping Black Friday discounts purchases online shopping online shops pre-holiday period customers family celebration
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