Online shopping loved by Americans during the pandemic

Due to the coronavirus, we are increasingly shopping from home. Consumers say these stores best serve the needs of online customers, MoneyTalksNews writes. Even if online shopping was not your favorite pastime in the past, chances are good that you are used to doing ...

Where in America is cheaper to buy products online

Buying groceries is a process that is completely rooted in the twentieth century: modern adults and their parents are accustomed to walking or driving to the store to buy food. Therefore, it is still difficult for many to get used to such convenience as online shopping: only 3% of buyers order groceries in…

Know ours: where in America to buy things of domestic designers?

A couple of weeks ago, at the opening of the gallery, I met David. After the standard dialogue “what are you doing” and “how long have you been living in the country”, he began to praise my polka-dot cloak dress. I thanked him for the compliment, but my new acquaintance did not calm down: ...

Results of Black Friday in the USA: how much did Americans spend and what did they buy?

  More than 150 million people in the United States spent the weekend actively doping. These figures are provided by the agency According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), the traditional Friday sales are becoming increasingly popular online. Black Friday is a traditional shopping day across the country that follows Thanksgiving...

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