Dress Code for Passengers on US Airlines - ForumDaily
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Dress code for passengers on US airlines

Фото: Depositphotos

Airline United Airlines in the spring of 2017, the year got into a scandal because it didn’t allow passengers to board the plane due to their non-observance of the dress code.

In particular, the landing was denied to two girls in leggings from spandex, writes the publication Travel and Leisure.

In response to the indignation of the passengers, the company explained that they traveled by ticket of the airline’s employees or their relatives, the cost of which is much lower than the standard fare, in which case the company has the right to set a stricter dress code than for other passengers.

For example, in the rules United Airlines It states that passengers should not be in an airplane in their pajamas or bathing suit, mini-skirt, extremely short shorts or dirty and torn clothes.

Passengers are also asked to discard Lycra or Spandex clothing on board.

Some airlines such as Delta, do not have a specific policy regarding the dress code, but still they said that they do not recommend passengers to fly in bathing suits, pajamas or underwear.

The airline even joked about the scandal with United Airlines, noting that with Delta You can fly in leggings.

Meanwhile policy Southwest Airlines requires passengers to look “clean, well-groomed and tasteful,” although the airline does not have a list of specific types of clothing prohibited on board.

Hawaiian Airlines passengers are expected to be on board in clothes covering the upper and lower parts of the body (the company cites shorts and T-shirts as an example), as well as in shoes, unless otherwise provided for by their health or medical recommendations.

Economy Class Passengers hawaiian can be on board in flip-flops, jeans, shorts and leggings, although for first-class and business-class passengers there are some restrictions regarding the dress code.

Men traveling in first or business class should wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants or jeans, while women should wear long or short-sleeved business shirts, skirts, pants, jeans or dresses.

American Airlines they ask passengers not to wear clothes “that may cause discomfort to other passengers”, and passengers are also forbidden to travel without shoes.

Alaska Airlines expects her passengers to have a “neat and clean look”, by this is meant that passengers cannot wear “short shorts, ripped jeans, sports clothing or T-shirts”, nor can they be barefoot.

JetBlue He does not specify the details of his dress code policy, although he stresses that he expects passengers to follow "minimum standards in clothing and tidiness."

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