'I am grateful to the bloody people of this country': Russian journalist Alexander Nevzorov received Ukrainian citizenship - ForumDaily
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'I am grateful to the bloodied people of this country': Russian journalist Alexander Nevzorov received Ukrainian citizenship

Russian journalist Alexander Nevzorov, who is wanted to be arrested in the Russian Federation, received Ukrainian citizenship. Writes about it Ukrainian Truth.

Photo: Shutterstock

“On Ukrainian citizenship. Without further ado… I take the side of the victim. And I am very grateful to those exhausted, desperate, bloody people of Ukraine who allowed me to take a place among them, ”Nevzorov wrote on his Telegram channel.

Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (MVD) Anton Gerashchenko said that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree granting Ukrainian citizenship to Alexander Nevzorov and his wife.

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“Thank you, Alexander and Lydia, for your courage and honesty. For a sincere desire to help stop the war and a truthful assessment of the real situation," Gerashchenko wrote. Meduza.

He stated that the journalist and his wife were granted Ukrainian citizenship "for outstanding service to the country." The adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted that Nevzorov fell out of favor in the Russian Federation "for honestly telling the people of Russia about the barbaric bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol."

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In March, Russia opened a criminal case against Nevzorov for publishing “inaccurate photographs of civilians who suffered from shelling.” Since Nevzorov is not in Russia, he was put on the wanted list. According to the latest data, Alexander is now in Israel.

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