Top 5 supplements that help maintain youthful and smooth skin - advice from a dermatologist - ForumDaily
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Top 5 Supplements That Help Keep Skin Young and Smooth - Advice from a Dermatologist

As a dermatologist, Dr. Azadeh Shirazi knows the secret to glowing, smooth skin. Based in La Jolla, California, she knows that what goes on inside the body is just as important as what goes on the skin for truly healthy skin. That's why she takes several supplements daily for both her skin and anti-aging benefits. What kind of supplements does she take, the publication said Yahoo!.

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The doctor said some of them have other benefits, such as increasing bone strength and reducing the risk of skin cancer.

Here are five vitamins Shirazi takes daily for her skin.

Vitamin D

Although Shirazi takes a multivitamin that already contains vitamins D and E, she takes additional supplements for each.

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She said when she had a blood test three years ago, her vitamin D levels were low. Shirazi said she tries to avoid the sun to protect her skin, so she started taking vitamin D supplements, which have anti-aging properties.

Vitamin D supplements not only reduce the need for prolonged sun exposure, which can damage the dermis and lead to skin cancer, but Shirazi says it may also reduce the risk of melanoma in women with a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer, according to a 2011 study.

The doctor emphasizes that the older people get, the more benefit they can get from taking vitamin D. This is especially true for adults age 70 and older, according to the Mayo Clinic.

“As we age, the skin becomes less efficient at producing vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, and the kidneys’ ability to convert it into the active form becomes less efficient,” she noted.

Vitamin E

Shirazi takes vitamins D and E to improve bone strength. Vitamin E has been shown to prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women.

“Our bones are the framework on which our skin rests,” the doctor explained.

Especially in women in their 40s and 50s, declining estrogen levels lead to greater bone loss, which Shirazi says makes supplementing with vitamin E more important.


The only vitamin Shirazi takes twice a day is 500 mg of niacinamide, a type of niacin that she says is popular in the skin-care world.

“It helps improve skin barrier function by increasing the amount of ceramides, which is the glue that holds skin cells together, and strengthening the skin barrier,” Shirazi said.

It acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplement that helps reduce redness and irritation caused by skin conditions such as acne and rosacea.

Another benefit may be skin cancer prevention: A 2015 study found that people at high risk of developing skin cancer who took niacinamide twice daily had a 23% reduction in the incidence of new skin cancers.

According to Shirazi, this is because "nicotinamide helps the skin replenish DNA-repairing enzymes" that mitigate the effects of sun damage.

Most Americans already consume more than the recommended dietary allowance for niacin in their diets, according to the National Institutes of Health.


Shirazi takes, among other things, resveratrol, a plant compound that she says is found naturally in many foods, such as grapes and peanuts.

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Like niacinamide, Shirazi says, it has antioxidant properties that "help brighten the complexion and improve skin elasticity."

Resveratrol is a popular supplement in the anti-aging world. David Sinclair, a Harvard biologist and aging researcher, takes resveratrol supplements daily. However, research results are mixed on whether these supplements can actually increase lifespan.


And, of course, Shirazi supports her body daily with women's multivitamins. She says she has been taking them for 20 years and they contain “all the vitamins I need.”

They contain zinc, which has “many anti-inflammatory properties that help improve skin conditions such as rosacea, acne and eczema.”

The product also contains vitamin A, which “improves skin texture, reduces fine wrinkles and increases hyaluronic acid levels.”

According to Shirazi, vitamin A "promotes cell turnover, reduces collagen breakdown, evens skin tone and regulates oil production, which is beneficial for acne."

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