USCIS has reduced the period for automatic renewal of work permits in the United States - ForumDaily
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USCIS has reduced the period for automatic renewal of work permits in the United States

As of October 27, the automatic renewal period for US work authorization (EAD) has been reduced to 180 days. Previously, the EAD could be automatically extended for 540 days, recalls USCIS.

Photo: IStock

An automatic 540-day EAD extension was introduced in May 2022. This rule has now expired and the extension period returned to 27 days on October 180th.

If you have previously had your EAD extended for 540 days, this extension will remain in effect.

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What is automatic renewal of work permit in the USA?

Some applicants who filed Form I-765 to renew their work authorization are eligible for automatic renewal while their Form I-765 is pending.

You are eligible for automatic AED renewal if you (ALL three points must be met):

  • Submitted a properly completed Form I-765 to renew your work authorization before your current authorization expires;
  • Your renewal application falls into a category that is eligible for automatic renewal (categories are listed in the table below);
  • The category in your current EAD corresponds to the “Class Requested” listed on your Notice of Action on Form I-797C.
Category listed on your Form I-765Category explanation
(a)(5)Refugee (Asylee)
(a)(7)N-8 or N-9 visa holder
(a)(8)Citizens of Micronesia, Marshall Islands or Palau
(a)(10)A person who has received a deferment or cancellation of deportation
(a)(12)temporary protected status (TPS) holder
(a)(17)Spouse of an E visa holder
(a)(18)spouse of an L-1 visa holder
(c)(8)person awaiting a decision on an asylum application
(c)(9)person awaiting a decision on an application to change status under Section 245
(c)(10)Stay of Deportation (filed before April 1, 1997)
Cancellation of deportation
Special Cancellation Rule Under NACARA
(c)(16)Creation of Record (adjustment of status based on continuous residence in the United States since January 1, 1972)
(c)(19)a person awaiting a decision on a TPS application if USCIS has determined that the applicant is prima facie
(c)(20)Section 210 (I-700 Pending)
(c)(22)Section 245A (I-687 Pending)
(c)(24)legalization under the LIFE program
(c)(26)Spouse of an H-1B visa holder
(c)(31)VAWA applicants


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