America is threatened by powerful and destructive hurricanes the likes of which the world has never seen - ForumDaily
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America is threatened by powerful and destructive hurricanes the likes of which the world has never seen.

US coastal hurricanes will become 'more destructive' due to climate change, new study says Newsweek.

tropical hurricane approaching the USA.Elements of this image are furnished by NASA


A new study by scientists at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Washington found that hurricanes around the world have become more severe at a rapid pace since 1979. How global warming is changing the seasonality of the climate, read our article.

To reach these conclusions, the authors examined global hurricane data from 1979 to 2000. They found that these storms intensified at an average rate of 0,37 knots every six hours from 2000 to 2020, and then intensified by 1,15 knots every six hours.

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“This work has profound implications for people living along the coast, as well as for operational forecasters and decision makers,” said study co-author Ruby Leung. “The increasing strengthening trends we are seeing indicate that hurricanes will become more destructive. It is important that we understand how the risks posed by these storms may transform as our climate changes.”

Researchers believe these rates will only increase if current warming conditions continue.

Ideal weather conditions for hurricanes

Hurricanes are caused by several environmental factors, including high ocean temperatures. The combination of warm tropical temperatures and winds can lead to severe storms.

Climate change threatens to increase global temperatures. Much of this increased heat is absorbed by the ocean. That is, ideal conditions for hurricanes are becoming more frequent.

Previous studies have examined the increase in extreme weather events due to climate change. However, the authors note that this is the first work to focus on how coastal hurricanes are becoming stronger on a global scale.

The researchers found that between 1979 and 2000, hurricanes started out smaller and then increased by 1,5 knots in a single day. After 2000, they began to more often start at the same intensity and increase by 4,5 knots in the same day.

A new study shows that as the Earth continues to warm, coastlines around the world are likely to experience very strong hurricanes unlike those seen before.

“This is happening right on the coastline, not in the middle of the ocean,” said study lead author and climate scientist Karthik Balaguru.

Risks for people in 2024

Hurricanes can be extremely destructive to populated areas. They become more intense. This is a very serious problem. Hurricanes can destroy buildings, cause severe flooding and even loss of life.

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What is perhaps more alarming is that experts predicted a very active year for hurricanes in 2024. In April, North Carolina State University researchers forecast that this hurricane season will bring 15 to 20 named storms to the Atlantic.

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